Lincoln Electric IM915 manual Enable

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One of these four items will blink to indicate which item will change when the Mode Select Panel Knob is rotated. Initially, the selected item will be the attribute. To select the high limit, press either Mode Select Panel button and the high limit value will begin to blink. Pressing either Mode Select Panel button again will cause the memory value to blink, pressing a third time will cause the low limit to blink.

Weld modes cannot be selected from the Limits Setup menu; the mode must be selected and saved to memory prior to entering the Limits Setup menu.

The memory value, high and low limit values are bound by the limits of the machine. For example, weld mode 49 may allow the wire feed speed to be adjusted between 100 and 700 in/min. These are referred to as "machine limits". Machine limits can vary between power sources and are also weld mode dependent.

The memory value must always be less than or equal to the high limit and greater than or equal to the low limit. The high limit must always be greater than or equal to the low limit and the low limit must always be less than or equal to the high limit. The rules are enforced automati- cally. If the low limit is increased above the memory value, the memory value will automatically increase.

To lock an attribute to a specific value, set the high and low limits to the desired value. The user will not be able to change it.

After setting limits, press the memory button that is flash- ing. The Mode Select Panel displays will prompt the user to save or discard the limit changes just made.

By pressing the Mode Select Panel button labeled YES, changes to limits are saved and user limits are automati- cally enabled. By pressing NO, any changes made to limits are discarded and the limit enable/disable state is not changed.















To enable or disable limits that have been established for any memory, press and hold the respective memory but- ton in for more than 10 seconds until the Mode Select Panel displays "Enable Limits?" Pressing "Yes" will use the established limits, while pressing "No" will ignore the established limits. The limits that have been set for any memory location will not be erased if they are disabled.


Image 54
Contents Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder July Safety Depends on YouSafety Electric Shock can kill Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Thank You TAbLE of Contents Vii Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder SPEC.# Type Input PowerTemperature Rating Welding Capacity RatingMounting Electric Shock can killLocation Weld CAbLE SIzINGPower Source COAxIAL Weld CAbLESElectrode Work DIP Switch #7 Position Polarity Negative Electrode PolarityPower Source Pin Function Welding Gun/Wire Feeder Trigger ConnectorWire Feeder Wire Feeder Pin FunctionChanging Drive Rolls and Wire Guides DescriptionDrive Roll Pressure Setting Changing the GUN Receiver bUSHINGWelding GUNS, Torches and ACCES- Sories GUN Receiver bUSHINGMagnum GUN and CAbLE ASSEMbLIES Wire Feed Shut Down Circuit Changing the Gear RatioTo change the gear ratio Spindle Placement Wire Reel LoadingDIP Switch #8 Position Gear Ratio Loading 16 to 44 lb .3 20kg SpoolsUsing K1504-1 Coil Reel Figure A.10Weld Wire Routing Loading 30 lb .6 kg Readi-Reels See Figure A.11Removing a Readi-Reel Shielding GAS Connection Cylinder may explode if damagedBUILDUP OF SHIELDING GAS may harm health or kill ExAMPLES of Connecting AN Arclink Power Wave System ARC Rays can burn Fumes and Gases can be dangerousWelding Sparks can cause fire or explosion Common Welding AbbREVIATIONSRequired Equipment Product DescriptionRecommended Processes Additional Required EquipmentCV Welding Pulse Welding or STT Welding Front Panel Controls and Connections Status LED Volts / Trim Display Prior to WeldingSynergic CV Voltage Display LAYOUT-CONTROLS see Figure b.3 Mode Select Panel 4 MSP4Overview LAYOUT-DIGITAL DisplayChanging ARC Wave Control POWER-UP SequenceChanging Weld Modes Infrared IR ControlLimit Setting Machine SETUP/USER PreferencesAccessing the Machine Setup Menu SET-UP Features Menu Figure b.3a Setup MenuUser Defined Parameters Parameter Definition Procedure Change Method Stall Factor AdjustmentReset Consumable Weight Parameter Definition Gun Offset AdjustmentCrater Delay TIG Gas ControlDisplay Trim as Volts Option Arc Start/Loss Error TimeParameter Definition Push-Pull Gun Knob behavior Sense From StudsParameter Definition Show Test Modes 100 View Diagnostics107 View Power Source Protocol 102 View Fatal Logs505 Setup Menu Lock 503 Memory button Disable504 Mode Select Panel Lock Parameter Definition 501 Encoder LockoutOnly be accessed using Power Wave Manager software Parameter Definition 506 Set User Interface Passcode509 UI Master Lockout Cold Feed / GAS Purge Switch Step / 4-STEP Trigger SwitchStep Trigger Operation Step Trigger Operation Sequence of OperationFigure b.5 Process Setup and Operation Non- SynergicModes Steel and Stainless Synergic GMAW-P Pulsed MIG Welding ARC ControlPulse-on-Pulse Welding Machine Functionality bY Weld Process CC Stick ModesCV GMAW/FCAW NON-SYNERGIC Output Control KNObS, Weld Mode 5Process Weld Mode CV NON-SYNERGIC ModesSynergic CV Modes Wire SIzE 030 035 045 052Gmaw Synergic Material Process GASWire SIzE Pulse and PULSE-ON-PULSE SynergicPulse and PULSE-0N-PULSE Modes WIR E S IZE MAW-S TT WE L D ModeSTT and STT II NONN-SYNERGIC 035 045 052Touch Start TIG Gtaw TIG WeldingGtaw Touch Start TIG Welding All Metals Touch Start TIGWeld Mode Searching Searching for a Weld ModeUser Memories Limit Setting Enable Accessories OptionalAccessories Lb. coils to 2 spindles Periodic Maintenance Safety PrecautionsRoutine Maintenance CALIbRATION SpecificationTROUbLESHOOTING POSSIbLE PRObLEMSSymptoms Cause Recommended Course of ActionArclink System Error Codes Your local Lincoln Authorized Output PRObLEMS TROUbLESHOOTING PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder14.56 18.48 15.80 30.46Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder Precaucion Warnung