Integrated Control Diagnostic Codes (continued)
Code | Diagnostic Codes/Status of Equipment | Action Required to Clear and Recover |
E 223 | Low pressure switch failed open. | Check pressure (inches w.c.) of low pressure switch |
| closing on heat call. Measure operating pressure |
| (inches w.c.). Inspect vent and combustion air in- |
| ducer for correct operation and restriction. Re- |
| sumes normal operation after fault is cleared |
E 224 | Low pressure switch failed closed − Refer to troubleshooting. See | Check operation of low pressure switch to see if it is |
| Page 68. | stuck closed on heat call longer than 150 seconds. |
| Measure operating pressure (inches w.c.). Inspect |
| vent and combustion air inducer for correct opera- |
| tion and restriction. Resumes normal operation after |
| fault is cleared. |
E 225 | High pressure switch failed open − Refer to troubleshooting. See | Check pressure (inches w.c.) of high pressure |
| Page 68. | switch closing on heat call. Measure operating pres- |
| sure (inches w.c.). Inspect vent and combustion air |
| inducer for correct operation and restriction. Re- |
| sumes normal operation after fault is cleared. |
E 226 | High pressure switch failed closed − Refer to troubleshooting. See | Check operation of high pressure switch closing on |
| Page 68. | heat call. Measure operating pressure (inches w.c.). |
| Inspect vent and combustion air inducer for correct |
| operation and restriction. Resumes normal opera- |
| tion after fault is cleared. |
E 227 | Low pressure switch open during trial for ignition or run mode. Refer to | Check pressure (inches w.c.) of low pressure switch |
| troubleshooting. See Page 68. | closing on heat call. Measure operating pressure |
| (inches w.c.). Inspect vent and combustion air in- |
| ducer for correct operation and restriction. Re- |
| sumes normal operation after fault is cleared. |
E 228 | Combustion air inducer calibration failure | Unable to perform pressure switch calibration. |
| Check vent system and pressure switch wiring con- |
| nections. Resumes normal operation after fault is |
| cleared. |
E 229 | Ignition on high fire | IFC switched to high fire ignition because low fire |
| pressure switch did not close in allowed time. No |
| action is needed. |
E 240 | Low flame current − Run mode − Refer to troubleshooting. See Page 68. | Check micro−amperes of flame sensor using control |
| diagnostics or field−installed mode. Clean or replace |
| sensor. Measure voltage of neutral to ground to en- |
| sure good unit ground. Alert clears after current |
| heat call has been completed. |
E 241 | Flame sensed out of sequence − Flame still present. | Shut off gas. Check for gas valve leak. Replace, if |
| necessary. Alert clears when fault is recovered. |
E 250 | Limit switch circuit open − Refer to troubleshooting. | Check for proper firing rate on furnace. Ensure |
| there is no blockage in heater. Check for proper air |
| flow. If limit not closed within 3 minutes, unit will go |
| into 1−hour soft lockout. Resumes normal operation |
| after fault is cleared. |
E 252 | Discharge air temperature too high (gas heat only). | Check temperature rise, air flow and input rate. |
| Cleared when heat call is finished. |
E 270 | Soft lockout − Exceeded maximum number of retries. No flame current | Check for proper gas flow. Ensure that ignitor is |
| sensed. | lighting burner. Check flame sensor current. Clears |
| when heat call finishes successfully. |
E 271 | Soft lockout − Exceeded maximum number of retries. Last retry failed due | Check pressure (inches w.c.) of low pressure switch |
| to the pressure switch opening. | closing on heat call. Measure operating pressure |
| (inches w.c.). Inspect vent and combustion air in- |
| ducer for correct operation and restriction. Clears |
| when heat call finishes successfully. |
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