3.4.11 Drive Control Terminals
Definitions of the drive terminals are summarized in Table 3.16.
Connector 1 provides four digital inputs; two selectable digital inputs or outputs, 24 V DC terminal supply voltage, and a common for optional customer supplied 24 V DC voltage.
Serial communications use
Connector 3 provides two analog inputs, one analog output, 10 V DC supply voltage, and commons for the inputs and output.
Figure 3.20 Removable Drive Connectors and Terminals
A USB port, connector 4, is also available for use with the available on the Trane website.
Also provided are two Form C relay outputs that are in various locations depending upon the drive configuration and size.
Terminal No. | Function |
01, 02, 03, 04, | |
05, 06 | details on voltage and current ratings and relay location. |
12, 13 | 24 V DC digital supply voltage. Useable for digital inputs and external transducers. To use the 24 V DC for digital input |
| common, program parameter |
18, 19, 32, 33 | Digital inputs. Selectable for NPN or PNP function in parameter |
27, 29 | Digital inputs or outputs. Programmable for either. Parameter |
| function. Default setting is input. |
20 | Common for digital inputs. To use for digital input common, program parameter |
39 | Common for analog output. |
42 | Analog output. Programmable for various functions in parameter |
| a maximum of 500 Ω. |
50 | 10 V DC analog supply voltage. 15 mA maximum commonly used for a potentiometer or thermistor. |
53, 54 | Analog input. Selectable for voltage |
| Switches are located on the drive control card behind the removable keypad. See drive support materials for details. |
55 | Common for analog inputs. |
61 | Common for serial communication. Do not use to terminate shields. See drive support materials for proper shield |
| termination. |
68 (+), 69 | |
| provided for termination resistance. ON for termination and OFF for no termination. See drive support materials for |
| details. |
Table 3.16 Drive Control Terminals Functions