Start Up Troubleshooting
7 Start Up Troubleshooting
7.1.1 Option Panel Alarm and Warnings
Code | Title | Definition |
Number |
220 | Overload Trip | Motor overload has tripped. Indicates excess motor load. Check motor and driven load. To reset, |
| press [Off Reset]. Then, to restart the system, press [Auto on] or [Hand on]. |
221 | Bypass Interlock | Bypass interlock has opened and caused the motor to stop. Correct the problem. Depending on |
| the setting of parameter |
| [Off Reset] key to be pressed. |
222 | M2 Open Failed | ECB: The contactor that connects the drive to the motor failed to open. The motor can not be |
| operated. |
223 | M2 Close Failed | ECB: The contactor that connects the drive to the motor failed to close. The motor can not be |
| operated. |
224 | M3 Open Failed | ECB: The contactor that connects the motor to the power line has failed to open. |
226 | M3 Close Failed | ECB: The contactor that connects the motor to the power line has failed to close. The motor can |
| not be operated. |
227 | Bypass Com Error | Communication between the main control card and the bypass option has been lost. Motor control |
| lost. It will be possible to run the motor using Manual Bypass Override. |
228 | APU Low Voltage | The Option Panel Power Supply has failed, or there is a power problem. |
229 | Motor Disconn. | Terminal 3 on connector X57 of the ECB control card shows an open. This generally means that |
| neither motor has been selected in contactor motor select. Select a motor. |
Table 7.1 Option Panel Alarms and Warnings (ECB only)
DisplayText | Definition |
Bypass Run Starts in: | Indicates the number of sec. until the motor will be started in bypass. This time delay |
| can be adjusted using parameter |
Bypass Activates in: | Indicates the number of sec. left until the system automatically activates Bypass Mode. |
| Time delay can be adjusted using parameter |
Table 7.2 Option Panel Status Display (ECB only) |