Topcom 1801 manual do utilizador Before initial use, Intended Purpose, Safety advice

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TOPCOM Ultrasonic Humidifier 1801

1Before initial use

1.1Intended Purpose

Young children commonly get about 6-8 colds and upper respiratory tract infections each year. Increasing the air moisture is a common way to help your child feel better when he is congested.

The Ultrasonic Humidiefier generates a cool mist. This excludes the risk of your child getting accidently burned.

One thing that makes winter uncomfortable for humans, even inside a nice warm building, is low humidity. People need a certain level of humidity to be comfortable. In the winter, indoor humidity can be extremely low and the lack of humidity can dry out your skin and mucous membranes. Low humidity also makes the air feel colder than it actually is. Dry air can also dry out the wood in the walls and floors of our houses. As the drying wood shrinks, it can cause creaks in floors and cracks in drywall and plaster. People tend to feel most comfortable at a relative humidity of about 45 percent. The Ultrasonic Humidifier 1801 will help to keep indoor humidity at a comfortable level.

1.2Safety advice

Always read the user guide instructions carefully before using the device

Keep this User's Manual for future reference.

Always put the humidifier on a hard, flat horizontal surface, at least 15cm from the walls and away from any source of heat such as burners, radiators etc. The humidifier cannot operate on a surface that is not horizontal.

Keep the humidifier out of reach of children. Do not permit children to play with it.

Before using the humidifier, unwind the cord and check if it is not damaged. Do not use it if the cord is damaged.

Do not plug or unplug the humidifier with wet hands.

Never disassemble the basic unit.

Never operate the humidifier with a defective plug or cord, or after a breakdown or damage of any kind. In these cases, return the appliance to the nearest approved dealer/repairer for verification and any necessary repairs or adjustments.

Do not use additives such as perfumes, essences, etc.

Never add alkaline substances in the water tank.

Do not shake the humidifier. This could spill water into the base unit and affect its operation.

Do not leave the humidifier in the sun for a long period.

If an unusual odour occurs during normal use. turn off the appliance, unplug it and have it verified by qualified personnel.

Unplug the humidifier before cleaning if or removing the tank.

Never touch the water or the immersed components when the appliance is in operation.

Never turn on the humidifier when there is no water in the tank.

Never scratch the transducer.

To prevent any damage to the components, do not allow water to splash inside the base unit.

Never wash the entire unit with water; do not immerse it.

The ultrasonic humidifier should be cleaned regularly. To do this, refer to the cleaning instructions in this manual and respect them.

Do not use the humidifier if the air in the room is already sufficiently moist (at least 50% relative humidity). Excessive humidity gives rise to condensation on cold surfaces or walls in the room.



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Contents Ultrasonic Humidifier Page Safety advice Before initial useIntended Purpose Technical specifications InstallationDescription Simple operation Water flume CleaningDisposal of the device environment Water boxWarranty exclusions Topcom warrantyWarranty period Warranty handlingVoor het eerste gebruik Beoogd gebruikVeiligheidsadvies Installatie Technische specificatiesBeschrijving Eenvoudige bediening Waterafvoerkanaal ReinigenAfvoeren van het toestel milieu WaterreservoirGarantiebeperkingen Topcom-garantieGarantietermijn Afwikkeling van garantieclaimsAvant la première utilisation UtilisationConseils de sécurité Caractéristiques techniques Fonctionnement simple Conduit deau NettoyageMise au rebut de lappareil environnement Réservoir deauExclusions de garantie Garantie TopcomPériode de garantie Mise en œuvre de la garantieBevor Sie beginnen EinsatzbereichSicherheitshinweise Beschreibung Technische DatenLuftfeuchtigkeit Einfache BedienungEin / Aus Luftfeuchtigkeit +Wasserkanal ReinigungEntsorgung des Geräts Umweltschutz WasserbehälterGarantieausschlüsse Topcom GarantieGarantiezeit Abwicklung des GarantiefallsInformación inicial FinalidadAdvertencia de seguridad Especificaciones técnicas DescripciónInstalación Uso básico Canal de agua LimpiezaEliminación del dispositivo medio ambiente Depósito de aguaLimitaciones de la garantía Garantía de TopcomPeríodo de garantía Tratamiento de la garantíaFöre första användningstillfället Avsett syfteSäkerhetsföreskrifter Beskrivning Tekniska specifikationerEnkel användning Vattenränna RengöringBortskaffande av apparaten miljö VattenbehållareUndantag till garantin Topcoms garantiGarantiperiod GarantireglerFør den tages i brug første gang FormålSikkerhedsråd Beskrivelse Tekniske specifikationerFugtighedskontrol Enkel betjeningTil/Fra Fugtighedskontrol +Vandkanal RengøringBortskaffelse af enheden miljø VandboksUndtagelser fra garantien Topcom garantiGarantiperiode GarantihåndteringFør første gangs bruk Tiltenkt brukSikkerhetsinstruksjoner Tekniske spesifikasjoner InstalleringJustering av damptåke Fuktighetskontroll +Fuktighetskontroll IoniseringVannkanal RengjøringAvhending av produktet miljø VannbeholderTilfeller der garantien ikke gjelder Topcom-garantiEnnen ensimmäistä käyttöä KäyttötarkoitusTurvallisuusohjeet Tekniset tiedot KuvausAsennus Helppo käyttää Vesikouru PuhdistusLaitteen hävittäminen ympäristö VesisäiliöTilanteet, joissa takuuta ei ole Topcom-takuuTakuuaika TakuumenettelyAntes da primeira utilização Utilização previstaAvisos de segurança Especificações técnicas DescriçãoInstalação Controlo da humidade Operação simplesLigar/desligar Controlo da humidade +Canal da água LimpezaEliminação do dispositivo ambiente Caixa da águaExclusões de garantia Garantia da TopcomPeríodo de garantia Accionamento da garantiaPením používání Ppokládaný úel použitíDoporuení týkající se bezpesti Technické specifikace PopisInstalace Jednoduché ovládání Pod vody 6ištníLikvidace zaska ochrany životního prostedí Zásobník na voduVýjimky ze záruky Záruka firmy TopcomZáruí doba Ní reklamací v záruní dobHasználat eldnivalók RendeltetésBiztonsági tanácsok Matok LeírásTelepítés Kisebb páratartalom EgyszerasználatBe-ki Nagyobb páratartalomVízcsatorna TisztításKészülék hulladékként történelyezése környezetvédelem VíztartályGaranciából való kizárás Topcom garanciaGarancia id GaranciaeljárásPrzed rozpocz PrzeznaczenieUwagi dotycz bezpieczestwa Specyfikacje techniczne OpisInstalacja Jonizator Podstawowa obsRegulacja wilgotnoci + Regulacja wilgotnociKanady CzyszczenieUsuwanie urzsko Zbiornik wodyWyjtki od gwarancji Gwarancja TopcomOkres gwarancji ObsncjiPred prvým použitím Ú použitiaBezpe Inštalácia Technické údajeOvládanie vlhkosti Jednoduchá prevádzkaZapnú/Vypnú Ovládanie vlhkosti +Žliabok s vodou IstenieLikvidácia zariadenia ochrana životného prostredia Vodná nádržVýnimky zo záruky Záruka spoloTopcomZáruá doba Uplatnenie a plnenie zárukyPage Page Return with Your Defect Product Visit our website