9.Install front removable door by engaging upper side edges of panel with side receiving flanges, sliding up and under top panel flange - seating front door fully - then sliding down to engage bottom flange behind lower front tie bar.
G.Install Pilot/Burner Assembly (shipped in Gas Controls Carton). See Figure 10.
Figure 10: Combustion Chamber
1.Remove jacket front removable door.
a.Remove burner access panel located above burners.
b.Install Pilot/Burner Assembly where noted on gas manifold.
i. Insert rear of burner in burner tray slot.
ii. Position burner over the orifice.
NOTE: The burner to the right may need to be lifted from the orifice to install pilot/ burner assembly. Reinstall lifted burner over the orifice.
c.Reinstall burner access panel.
H.Install Gas Valve on main gas burner assembly (if not factory assembled). See Figure 11, 12, 13, or 14.
1.Connect gas valve to manifold.
2.Connect pilot tubing from pilot burner to gas valve pilot tapping.
3.Continuous Ignition (standing pilot): connect thermocouple to gas valve.
Figure 11: Pilot and Gas Piping, Continuous Ignition (Standing Pilot) (IN3 through IN9 Only)
Figure 12: Pilot and Gas Piping, Continuous Ignition
(Standing Pilot) (IN10 through IN12 Only)
Figure 13: Pilot and Gas Piping, Intermittent Ignition
(EI) (IN3 through IN11 Only)
Figure 14: Pilot and Gas Piping, Intermittent Ignition
(EI) (IN12 Only)