algorithm. (Any Solas set to Use First will precede any that are set to Equalize Run time.) If set to Use Last, then this burner will be used only after all Use First and Equalize Runtime Solas have been brought online.
Slave sequence order is used to determine the order in which Solas will be used (staged on) for those Solas which the same Slave mode setting. Numbers may be skipped, that is 3 will be first if there is no 1 or 2. Note: For Equalize Runtime purposes, 1 does not mean the Sola will be used first every time; that will vary over time based on the master's run time equalization scheme. In this case the sequence number determines the relative order in which Sola controls will be used in a
This delay time is needed by the LL master to determine the length of time to wait between requesting a slave Sola to fire and detecting that it has failed to start. It should be set to the total time normally needed for the burner to transition from Standby to Run, including such things as transition to purge rate, prepurge time, transition to lightoff rate, all ignition timings, and some extra margin.
This specifies the preferred firing rate of a burner, which is used for some types of control algorithms.
This determines if or where the fan is to be operating during the standby period.
LLmaster operation is subdivided into the following functions:
• Overall control - The LL master has
Date: 8-4-2010
Revision: 0
Form: 2396
parameters that enable and disable its operation.
•Periodic data polling - The LL master uses polling to discover new slave Sola devices and to periodically refresh the information it has about a known slave Sola devices.
•Slave control - the LL master sends each active slave a command and also performs a slave status read for each known slave device. It also sends a Master status broadcast that is heard by all slaves.
•Slave status manager - The LL master keeps track of slave status for each Sola that is enabled as a slave device.
•Demand and priority - different sources of demand can cause the LL master to operate in different ways. These sources have a priority relationship.
•Modulation - each demand source has one or more setpoints that may be active and an operation sensor. These are used to detect turn- on and
•Stager - the stager determines when slave Solas should turn on as the need for heat increases, and when they should turn off as the need for heat decreases.
Rate allocation - the PID block's output is used to determine the firing rate of each slave Sola using various rate allocation techniques.
•Sequencer - the Sola sequencer determines which Sola will be the next one to turn on or turn off.
LLMASTER ENABLE: DISABLE, ENABLE, LL MASTER MODBUS PORT: MB1, MB2 If Disable is selected then all LL master functions are inactive. If Enable is selected then it acts as the active bus master on the ModBus port it is assigned. LL OPERATION SWITCH: OFF, ON This controls the LL master in the same way that the Burner switch controls a