applicable for the functional group on the page (Figure 16).
Date: 8-4-2010
Revision: 0
Form: 2396
for a parameter that has a lower access level than the access level achieved by an earlier password entry for any configuration group (as long as the user stays in the configuration pages). The user only needs to enter a password once until a parameter that has a higher access level is selected.
The user enters the password from a keyboard as shown in Figure 13. After the password is entered, select the OK button. The Cancel button aborts the password login.
Figure 16 Sample Configuration Page
These parameters can be edited, and when the user is finished, control returns back to the configuration menu page. Each parameter is displayed in its group. If there are more parameters than will fit on the screen, a vertical scroll bar allows the user to scroll up and down to view all parameters. The parameter name is displayed on the left and the current setting is displayed in the text box on the right.
Any user can view the configuration parameters (default mode). No
The boiler also maintains a password timeout that limits the scope of the password entry. Once a password is successfully entered the boiler starts an internal timer that expires after 10 minutes of inactivity. After the timer expires, the user is required to
Explosion Hazard.
Improper configuration can cause fuel buildup and explosion. Improper user operation may result in PROPERTY LOSS, PHYSICAL INJURY or DEATH. Changing parameters, must be attempted by only experienced and/or licensed burner / boiler operators and mechanics.
Three levels of write access to boiler parameters are permitted. Each access level has defined rights when interfacing with configuration and status parameters in the Boiler.
•End user: The lowest access rights (no password login). The end user can, in most cases, only read or view boiler parameters. In some instances the end user can change boiler parameters, e.g., change the CH, central heat, setpoint.
•Installer: The next highest level. The installer can read all boiler parameters and change most boiler parameters. This access level is used to customize the boiler for a particular installation. The default installer password is ‘bryan’.
•OEM: The highest access level. The OEM can read and change all R7910 parameters, as well as change sensor limits and burner control safety parameters.
Different passwords exist in the boiler for each access level. The end user level requires no password, but the installer and OEM levels have unique passwords defined for them. The display