GE GXSH39E, GNSH45E SET Recharge Starting Time, SET Salt Level, Days to Empty

Page 11

Installation Instructions


3.When the display shows your water hardness (in grains per gallon), press MODE to accept.

NOTE: If there is clear water iron in your water supply, you will need to increase the hardness setting by 5 for each 1 ppm of clear water iron in your water supply.

You can get the grains per gallon (gpg) hardness of your water supply from a water analysis laboratory. If you are on a municipal supply, call your local water department. Or call Legend Technical Services, an independent laboratory, to request a water hardness test kit at 1.800.949.8220, Option 4. If your report shows hardness in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/l), simply divide by 17.1 to get the equivalent number of grains per gallon.


1. Press the MODE button LEVEL




until arrow points to





NOTE: A flashing 2:00 AM

(factory default) should show in the display. This is a good time for recharge to start (takes about 2 hours) in most households because water is not in use.

HARD WATER is bypassed to house faucets during recharge.

If no change is needed, go to step 3. To change the recharge starting time, follow step 2.

2.Press UP or DOWN button to set the desired recharge start time. Be sure to observe the AM or PM as you did when setting the time of day.

NOTE: Each press of a button changes the time by 1 hour. Holding the buttons in changes the time at a rapid rate.

3.Press the MODE button to accept.


1. Press the MODE button


until arrow

points to




2.Determine level of salt in

brine tank using yellow indicator on side of brine well, inside brine tank (see illustration on page 5).

3. Press UP or DOWN SALT

button to set the SALT




LEVEL to correspond to



level on yellow indicator









in brine tank.



NOTE: Each press of a button changes the

level by increments of 0.5 up to 8.0. As the number increases, the salt level bars increase on each whole number. Lowering the salt level below zero turns the SALT LEVEL indicator OFF.

4. Press the MODE button to










accept. The display shows the













present time of day and DAYS
























may appear if unit is new.












The words DAYS TO EMPTY and a number are shown in the lower half of the display. This information is shown in the normal run display. This is to inform the user of the

number of days before the salt level in the brine tank reaches Level 0. There will be salt left in the salt tank, but it may not be sufficient to fully recharge the system. Salt should be added at this time to avoid hard water. The value is updated daily and whenever the SALT LEVEL value is changed.

NOTE: For the first several weeks of operation, the DAYS TO EMPTY may provide erratic operation. For example, the blue indicator light may flash, showing that more salt is required when the actual salt level in the tank is well above the Level 0. In some cases, the DAYS TO EMPTY may even increase over a several week period.

It takes a couple of months for the water softener to learn your water usage pattern. Once it does this, it will accurately determine actual salt usage pattern. During this first period, check salt level when blue indicator light flashes. If the salt level in the tank is at Level 1 or above, allow system to run. Be sure to reset your salt level indicator each time you add salt to the system.


Image 11
Contents Write the model and serial numbers here Model # Safety InformationCare and Cleaning 7283950 215C1173P025 49-50180-112-06 JRSafety Precautions Read these instructions completely and carefully Before Beginning InstallationImportant Installation Recommendations Transit Where to Install the SoftenerUnpacking and Inspection OUT Plan HOW YOU will Install the SoftenerPush all the way Install Bypass ValveInstall Drain Fitting Before YOU BeginPlumb in and OUT Pipes to and from Softener Connect and RUN the Valve Drain Hose Connecting a Rigid Valve Drain Tube Install the Brine TankWith salt Install Grounding ClampADD Water and Salt to the Brine Tank SET Water Hardness Number Connect to Electrical PowerProgramming the Control SET Present Time of DAYDays to Empty SET Recharge Starting TimeSET Salt Level Feature Other Data Displays Optional Control SettingsError Signals SignalsLost Time Signal LOW Salt Signal19″ 471⁄2″ 411⁄4″ 16″ Sanitizing ProceduresImportant Press and hold for 3 seconds About the water softener system Breaking a Salt Bridge Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi AssemblyNormal Operation, Control Displays Feature Optional Recharge ControlsFeature Memory Feature/Service Automatic Electronic DiagnosticsERR Service Electronic Demand Time Features and ServiceService Timer/Softener, Service Checkout Procedure To remove an error code 1. Unplug transformerOperation of Diagnostics Service Set Model F or P CodeIf the water softening system does not draw brine, check However, you must keep the tank supplied with salt Care and cleaning of the water softening systemCleaning Iron Out of the Water Softening System Checking the Salt Storage Level and RefillingTaken not plumbed to soft water Before you call for service…What To Do No soft waterWater in brine tank Excessive/high levelColored water Resin beads showing Brown/yellow colored Water after installationSalty tasting or Brown/yellowPage Page Parts list 151 General Electric Parts Catalog Parts catalogSupport Screen Warrantor General Electric Company. Louisville, KY What Is Not CoveredFor The Period We Will Replace One Year GE Water Softening System Warranty. For Customers in CanadaWarrantor Mabe Canada INC De averías Cómo limpiar la ensambladuraDe agua Cuidado y limpieza Advertencia No use con agua AdvertenciaLea estas instrucciones completa y cuidadosamente Recomendaciones Importantes Para LA InstalaciónHerramientas Y Materiales Necesarios Para LA Instalación Desempacado E InspecciónDonde Instalar EL Descalcificador Ilustración DE Instalación Normal Planifique LA Instalación DEL DescalcificadorComo se muestra Antes DE ComenzarInstale LA Válvula DE Bypass Remueva el tapón plástico de embalaje y el cable de laCerciórese de cumplir con los códigos locales Retire el descalcificador del lugar de instalaciónCont Instale LOS Accesorios DESobreflujo DEL Tanque DE Salmuera Y LA MangueraCierre todos los grifos de agua Instale LA Abrazadera DE TierraHora actual Conectar a LA Fuente EléctricaProgramación DEL Control Ajuste LA Hora DEL DÍADe sal Ajuste EL Nivel DE SALDías Hasta Vacío De recargaDEL Sistema Ajustes Opcionales DE ControlEficiencia DE LA SAL Característica Otras Visualizaciones DE DatosSeñal DE Bajo Nivel DE SAL Señales DE ErrorSeñals Señal DE Hora PerdidaNi infectarán su suministro de agua ni causarán que Procedimientos DE DesinfecciónEn la fábrica se siguen los cuidados para mantener Sobre el sistema de descalcificación de agua Cómo romper un puente de sal Cómo limpiar la ensambladura de la boquilla y el Venturi Característica/Servicio Diagnóstico electrónico automático Operación normal, Pantalla de controlFunción Controles opcionales de recargado Función MemoriaVisualizado Vea la sección Programación del control Servicio Diagnóstico electrónico iniciado manualmenteServicio Inspección manual del avance de la recarga Servicio Configurar el código del modelo F o PCuándo rellenar con sal Si una luz indicadora Cuidado y limpieza del sistema de descalcificación de aguaQué hacer Antes de llamar para solicitar servicio…Veces el agua Luz intermitente azul Lista de partes 151 Catálogo DE Partes DE General Electric Catálogo de partesNO. Refer Lo que no está cubierto Garantía GE para el Sistema de Descalcificación de AguaPor el período de Reemplazamos Piezas y accesorios Soporte al Consumidor Página Web de GE AppliancesSolicite una reparación Garantías ampliadasReal Life Design Studio Schedule ServiceParts and Accessories Consumer Support GE Appliances Website