Cuno 111405-1 Skin damage, Apricot is pale yellow to greenish-yellow Produce setting, Colored

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Look for apples with firm, smooth skin and good color.The

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


presence of scald, which is a dry brown patch on the skin

the “Produce” setting.


does not affect taste. Handle with care to avoid bruising and



skin damage.



Select plump, fairly firm apricots that are golden or burnt

Ripen at room temperature. When ripe,


orange in color. Avoid if there are soft or mushy spots or

store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


the apricot is pale yellow to greenish-yellow.

the “Produce” setting.


Good quality berries should be dry, clean, plump and well-

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on



the “Produce” setting. Store in original,


Blackberries: The caps should not be still attached.

vented carton.


Blueberries: Should have a silvery sheen or “bloom.”



Strawberries: Caps should be fresh, green and intact.



Cantaloupe will not ripen after harvest. Select those that

When uncut, store on countertop. After


are heavy for their size, symmetrical and have a sweet fra-

cutting, store in the ClimateZone™


grance. The “netting” should be thick with a golden back-

drawer on the “Produce” setting.


ground color, not green.The stem end should give slightly.



Cherries should be plump with firm, brightly colored skins

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


and green stems.

the “Produce” setting.


Choose cranberries that are firm and well-colored. Avoid

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


if they are shriveled or soft.

the “Citrus” setting.


Choose a grapefruit that is heavy for its size and flat on

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


both ends.

the “Citrus” setting.


Choose grapes that are plump and firmly attached to green

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


pliable stems.

the “Produce” setting. Do not store in air-



tight packaging.


Good quality kiwifruit is plump without wrinkles or signs of

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on


exterior damage.

the “Produce” setting.

Lemons and Limes

Choose fruit that is firm and heavy for its size.

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on



the “Citrus” setting.


Choose pieces that are free of bruises and blemishes.

Store at room temperature.


Mangoes that are ripe will give to gentle pressure.



Look for fruit that is orange-yellow between areas of red,

Ripen at room temperature, then store in


without any green. Skin should be smooth and unblemished.

the ClimateZone™ drawer on the



“Produce” setting.


Choose firm fruit that is heavy for its size. Avoid any with

Keep oranges separated from foods that


soft spots or white mold at the ends. It is normal for ripe

absorb odors such as, cheese or butter.


oranges to have a slight greening.

Store in the ClimateZone™ drawer on



the “Citrus” setting.


A papaya should be firm with unblemished skin, regardless

Store at room temperature. A papaya is


of the degree of ripeness.

ready to eat when the peel is approxi-



mately 34 yellow to yellow-orange in color



and it yields to gentle palm pressure.





Image 18
Contents E R G U I D E Table of Contents WelcomeP O R T a N T S a F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S Use the refrigerator only for its intended purposeClimatezone Drawers InstallationClimatezone AIR Diverter Light ShieldC H I N E C O M P a R T M E N T To Remove the Machine Compartment CoverTo Replace the Machine Compartment Cover Door Alarm Unit PowerTemperature Adjustments N T R O L C E N T E RPower Interrupt Set the switch to the desired mode C or FFAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS Display Shelves Standard Adjustable ShelvesE S H F O O D C O M P a R T M E N T Elevator ShelfCauliflower Salads Peaches Vegetables CitrusMeats Set drawer on side tracksAutomatic Humidity Control Adjustable Dairy Compartment Drop Down Door BinsO R S T O R a G E Door BasketsE E Z E R C O M P a R T M E N T Adjustable Wire ShelvesWire Freezer Baskets Freezer Elevator ShelfT O M a T I C I C E M a K E R ICE BINDispenser Light Dispensing Water and ICECRUSH, CUBE, Water Pads Dispenser LockReplacing the Filter Cartridge Initial Filter Cartridge InstallationT E R F I L T E R Periods of NON-USEReplacement Filter Cartridges Max. Op. PressYes Class Fresh Meats and Poultry TemperatureEggs and Dairy LeftoversG E T a B L E S E L E C T I O N a N D O R a G E C H a R T If they are shriveled or soft Citrus setting Apricot is pale yellow to greenish-yellow Produce settingGreen stems Produce setting Both ends Citrus settingBlemishes or growth cracks Texture Color that is creamy or yellowish Produce settingSelect pears that are firm and unblemished Yellow underneath, it is immatureLight Bulb Replacement I N T E N a N C ECondenser To Replace the Bulb Behind the Lower Climatezone Drawer R M a L O P E R a T I N G S O U N D S R E a N D C L E a N I N G L L F O R S E R V I C E Fresh Food or Freezer Door Difficult to OpenC E S S O R I E S Refrigerator a la Carte Storage DrawerTo Receive Warranty Service What is not Covered by These WarrantiesYour name, address and telephone number Guide DE L’UTILISATEUR Conseils pour la manipulation, le rangement et BienvenueTable DES Matières Numéro de modèle Numéro de sérieCordon d’alimentation Avec fiche de Branchement à Broches S T R U C T I O N S D E« OFF » Arrêt ou « O » Démonter les portesTiroirs Climatezone CabochonDéflecteur D’AIR Climatezone Enlèvement DES Agrafes ’EXPÉDITIONM P a R T I M E N T M a C H I N E Pour Enlever LE Couvercle DU Compartiment MachineRéglages DE Température Initiaux Alarme DE PorteMise EN Marche DE L’APPAREIL Réglages DE LA TempératureLa température la plus élevée Panne DE CourantAffichage FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS Placer l’interrupteur à l’échelle désirée C ou FTagère Elevator M P a R T I M E N T R É F R I G É R a T E U RClayettes ET Étagères Tiroir «À LA CARTE» Pour RéfrigérateurPlacer le tiroir dans les rails latéraux Réglages du tiroir ClimateZoneChou-fleur Salade et Pêches Légumes ViergeCasier Laitier Commande Automatique ’HUMIDITÉBacs DE Porte Réglables AmoviblesTagère DE Congélateur À Manivelle Elevator M P a R T I M E N T C O N G É L a T E U RClayettes Métalliques Réglables Paniers Métalliques DU CongélateurPour Enlever LE BAC BAC À GlaçonsColler ensemble et Inverser la méthode pour remettre le bac à glaçonsLampe DU Distributeur Distributeur D’EAU ET DE GlaçonsTouches Pour Glace PILÉE, GLAÇONS, EAU Verrouillage DU DistributeurRemarques Spéciales Installation DE LA Première Cartouche DE FiltrePériodes DE NON-UTILISATION Dérivation Du filtreCuno Incorporated Research Parkway Meriden, CT Remplacement DES Cartouches DU FiltreUKF7002AXX Goût, odeur, chlore, spores et plomb De fonct. min F 0,6 C De fonct. max F 38 CRestes Oeufs ET Produits LaitiersViandes ET Volaille Fraîches Fruits ET Légumes FraisB L E a U D E C O N S E R V a T I O N S L É G U M E S Baies AbricotsAnanas MûresPoires PastèquesPêches PommesPour Nettoyer Remplacement DE L’AMPOULECondenseur Compartiment Réfrigérateur InférieurPour Remplacer U I T S D E F O N C T I O N N E M E N T N O R M a U T R E T I E N E T N E T T O Y a G E Cordon non branché Pas d’électricité à la prise Installer le filtre ou la dérivation du filtreLa porte est ouverte Appuyer sur la touche « ON/OFF » MARCHE/ARRÊTC E S S O I R E S Pour Recevoir DES Prestations DE Garantie NE Sont PAS Couverts PAR Cette GarantieGuía DEL Usuario Consejos para la Compra,Almacenamiento y BienvenidaTabla DE Materias Fecha de CompraAdvertencia Retire las puertasDeflector DE Aire Climatezone S T a L a C I Ó NPantalla DE LA LUZ Gavetas ClimatezoneM P a R T I M I E N T O M E C Á N I C O Desmontaje DE LA Tapa DEL Compartimiento MecanicoAjuste Inicial DE LA Temperatura Alarma DE LA PuertaTecla DE Puesta EN Marcha Ajustes DE LA TemperaturaDurante la interrupción de la Falla DE Energia ElectriciaDespliegue EN Grados Fahrenheit Celsius Coloque el interruptor en el modo deseado C o FParrilla Elevator F R I G E R a D O RParrillas DesmontajeDesmontaje DE LAS Gavetas Climatezone Reinstalacion DE LAS Gavetas ClimatezoneDE LA Humedad ControlAutomático DesmontajeCanastas DE Alambre DEL Congelador N G E L a D O RParrillas DE Alambre Ajustables Gaveta DEL HieloQ U I N a a U T O M Á T I C a D E H a C E R H I E L O Depósito DEL HieloDesmontaje DEL Deposito DEL Hielo S T R I B U I D O R a U T O M Á T I code Períodos DE no USO L T R O D E L a G U aInstalación Inicial DEL Cartucho Filtrante Avisos Especiales207 Kpa Cartuchos Filtrantes DE RepuestoUKF7002AXX Sabor, olor, cloro, quistes y plomo 862 KpaSobras Huevos Y Productos LácteosCarnes Frescas DE Vacuno Y DE AVE Frutas Y Verduras FrescasBetabeles Achicoria RojaAlcachofas BretonesMoras Arándano AgrioBayas ArándanosPomelo/Toronja PerasPiña/Ananá SandíaReemplazo DEL Foco N T E N I M I E N T OCondensador ParrillaVuelva a colocar las gavetas Retire todos los alimentos de la gaveta ClimateZoneLevante y retire la parrilla de vidrio Para ReemplazarN I D O S N O R M a L E S D E L N C I O N a M I E N T O I D a D O Y L I M P I E Z a T E S D E S O L I C I T a R S E R V I C I O C E S O R I O S T a S T a S Para Recibir Servicio Bajo LA Garantía LO QUE no Cubren Estas Garantías