Showing Security Autolearn
The SHOW SECURITY AUTOLEARN command displays all of the MAC addresses that have been learned and stored in the Autolearning database. Only entries for ports specified in the command are displayed. An additional message is provided if any port has more than four entries, or if the concentrator limit has been exceeded.
To display all associated MAC addresses for the ports on the Security Module in slot 17, issue the following command.
ONline> show security autolearn 17.all [ENTER]
Autolearned Addresses for Module
Port | MAC Address(s) |
Note: at least one port on this module has more than 4 security addresses autolearned for it. Only the first 4 addresses per port (as ordered by MAC address) will be downloaded; extraneous address are marked in the display above with an asterisk.
A single asterisk (*) marks entries for a port that exceeds the maximum of four MAC addresses per port.
If the number of MAC addresses learned exceeds the concentrator limit, the following message is displayed:
Note: The number of autolearned addresses exceeds the concentrator limit. Only the first x addresses (as ordered by slot, port, and addr) will be downloaded. Extraneous addresses are marked with a double asterisk.
Configuring Security Features 4 - 17