Using 3Com MIB Security Variables
This section lists the network management Security MIB (Management Information Base) variables and the ONline
EMM Security SNMP Variables
The MIB variables for the EMM Security settings include:
❑olNetSecurityMACTable - Table of security information for the entire concentrator.
❑olNetSecurityMACEntry - The element type for entries in the olNetSecurityMACTable. An entry consists of a:
–slot number
–port number
–single MAC address
–mode value
–status value
❑olNetSecurityMACSlotIndex - The slot number, defined to be an integer.
❑olNetSecurityMACPortIndex - The port number, defined to be an integer.
❑olNetSecurityMACAddress - Defines the MAC address to be a
❑olNetSecurityMACMode - Defines the possible mode values that may be associated with a port. Currently, only Enable and Disable are defined as legitimate values. These values indicate if security is enabled for a port.
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