as Callers List Key 103 as Directory key 101 as Do Not Distrub 67 as empty key 108
as flash key 88
as Intercom Key 105
as Last Call Return 97
as line/call appearances 60 as park and pickup 91, 93 as services 99
as speeddials 63 as sprecode key 89 as XML services 83 deleting 111
ignore softkey for XML 179 special character sofkey for XML
speaker mode 33 speaker/headset mode 33 speeddial
prefix for 63 speeddial key 53 sprecode key 54
sprecode, setting softkey for 89 star codes 159
starting up the phone 4 status scroll delay 167
time and date 36
time and date format 36 transfering calls, blind 124 transfering calls, consultative 124 troubleshooting solutions 184
changing password 185 display blank 184 displays "Bad Encrypted
Config" 186 displays "No Service"? 185 finding IP address 185 handset not working 184 locking/unlocking phone 188 no dial tone 184
no light for VM messages 184 no ring 184
no speakerphone 184 retarting the phone 187 using services 185
UPnP mapping lines 172 user password 44 using your phone 52
voicemail 121, 158
warning tone, for Intercom 175 warranty, limited 191
Web UI, using 19
XML application title 83 XML application URI 83 XML beep support 166 XML key 54
XML, accessing service 86 XML, setting services for 84 XML, setting softkey for 85
Model 57i IP Phone User Guide |