3 Configuring the Switch

Protocol – Specifies the protocol type to match as TCP, UDP or Others, where others indicates a specific protocol number (0-255). (Options: TCP, UDP, Others; Default: TCP)

Source/Destination Port – Source/destination port number for the specified protocol type. (Range: 0-65535)

Source/Destination Port Bit Mask – Decimal number representing the port bits to match. (Range: 0-65535)

Control Code – Decimal number (representing a bit string) that specifies flag bits in byte 14 of the TCP header. (Range: 0-63)

Control Code Bit Mask – Decimal number representing the code bits to match. The control bitmask is a decimal number (for an equivalent binary bit mask) that is applied to the control code. Enter a decimal number, where the equivalent binary bit “1” means to match a bit and “0” means to ignore a bit. The following bits may be specified:

-1 (fin) – Finish

-2 (syn) – Synchronize

-4 (rst) – Reset

-8 (psh) – Push

-16 (ack) – Acknowledgement

-32 (urg) – Urgent pointer

For example, use the code value and mask below to catch packets with the following flags set:

-SYN flag valid, use control-code 2, control bitmask 2

-Both SYN and ACK valid, use control-code 18, control bitmask 18

-SYN valid and ACK invalid, use control-code 2, control bitmask 18
