Accton Technology VS4512 Logging host, Logging facility, Syntax No logging host hostipaddress

Models: VS4512DC VS4512

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System Management Commands

logging host

This command adds a syslog server host IP address that will receive logging messages. Use the no form to remove a syslog server host.


[no] logging host host_ip_address

host_ip_address - The IP address of a syslog server.

Default Setting


Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

By using this command more than once you can build up a list of host IP addresses.

The maximum number of host IP addresses allowed is five.


Console(config)#logging host


logging facility

This command sets the facility type for remote logging of syslog messages. Use the no form to return the type to the default.


[no] logging facility type

type - A number that indicates the facility used by the syslog server to dispatch log messages to an appropriate service. (Range: 16-23)

Default Setting


Command Mode

Global Configuration

Command Usage

The command specifies the facility type tag sent in syslog messages.

(See RFC 3164.) This type has no effect on the kind of messages reported by the switch. However, it may be used by the syslog server to sort messages or to store messages in the corresponding database.


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Accton Technology VS4512DC manual Logging host, Logging facility, Syntax No logging host hostipaddress