Accton Technology VS4512DC manual Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings

Models: VS4512DC VS4512

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Configuring the Switch

CLI – Enter the IP address of the TFTP server, select “config” or “opcode” file type, then enter the source and destination file names, set the new file to start up the system, and then restart the switch.

Console#copy tftp file


TFTP server

ip address:


Choose file



1. config:

2. opcode: <1-2>: 2


Source file

name: M100000.bix



file name: V1.0


\Write to FLASH Programming.


-Write to FLASH finish.







Console(config)#boot system opcode:V1.0









Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings

You can upload/download configuration settings to/from a TFTP server. The configuration file can be later downloaded to restore the switch’s settings.

Command Attributes

TFTP Server IP Address – The IP address of a TFTP server.

File Name – The configuration file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names on the TFTP server is 127 characters or 31 characters for files on the switch. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)

Note: The maximum number of user-defined configuration files is limited only by available flash memory space.

Downloading Configuration Settings from a Server

You can download the configuration file under a new file name and then set it as the startup file, or you can specify the current startup configuration file as the destination file to directly replace it. Note that the file “Factory_Default_Config.cfg” can be copied to the TFTP server, but cannot be used as the destination on the switch.

Web – Click System, Configuration. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server, enter the name of the file to download, select a file on the switch to overwrite or specify a new file name, and then click Transfer from Server.


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Accton Technology VS4512DC Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings, Downloading Configuration Settings from a Server