Accton Technology VS4512DC manual Fan Status, Managing Firmware

Models: VS4512DC VS4512

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Configuring the Switch

Renewing DCHP – DHCP may lease addresses to clients indefinitely or for a specific period of time. If the address expires or the switch is moved to another network segment, you will lose management access to the switch. In this case, you can reboot the switch or submit a client request to restart DHCP service via the CLI.

Web – If the address assigned by DHCP is no longer functioning, you will not be able to renew the IP settings via the web interface. You can only restart DHCP service via the web interface if the current address is still available.

CLI – Enter the following command to restart DHCP service.

Console#ip dhcp restart






Fan Status

The status of the switch fans can be displayed.

Web – Click System, Fan Status.

Managing Firmware

You can upload/download firmware to or from a TFTP server. By saving runtime code to a file on a TFTP server, that file can later be downloaded to the switch to restore operation. You can also set the switch to use new firmware without overwriting the previous version. The drop down menu in the web interface allows you to specify the method of file transfer.

Command Attributes

TFTP Server IP Address – The IP address of a TFTP server.

File Name – The file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names on the TFTP server is 127 characters or 31 characters for files on the switch. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)

Destination/Startup File Name – Allows specification of filenames already in memory, or the creation of a new filename. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)

Source File Name – Allows you to specify the name of the chosen source file.


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Accton Technology VS4512DC manual Fan Status, Managing Firmware