SNMP Configuration with Traps Enabled
SMNP Configuration Menu
Version: X.X.XXXX
Current SNMP Configuration:
Community Name for GET : pub
Community name for SET : priv
Manage IP Address for Traps :
Traps are Enabled for Events of Any Priority
1)Change Community Name for GET
2)Change Community Name for SET
3)Toggle Trap
4)Change Manager IP Address for Traps
5)Decrease Trap Priority
6)Increase Trap Priority
X) Return to previous
GET and SET Community Names
The SNMP GET community name is checked for each GET request received by the FCR200. The community name in the SNMP packet must match the community name configured here for the SNMP GET request to be successfully completed. Configure your SNMP manager to have the same GET and SET community names as the FCR200.
IP Address for Traps
The Trap Manager IP address is the address used for sending Traps. Typically, this is the IP address of the machine using the Network Management Program and/or a MIB browser.
Trap Priority
The SNMP Trap Priority determines which traps will be sent to the specified Trap IP Address. Events having a priority equal to or higher than the configured priority will be sent first.