Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference
//hostname specifies the root of host hostname.
.. specifies one level up (the parent object).
/specifies the root at the current focused hostname.
./object specifies the next level of the object.
/c0/bbu specifies a relative path with respect to the current focused hostname.
//localhost> focus /c0/u0 //localhost/c0/u0>
//localhost/c0/u0> focus.. //localhost/c0>
//localhost> focus u0 //localhost/c0/u0>
//localhost/c0> focus / //localhost>
The focus command is available by default. You can disable focus by setting
TW_CLI_INPUT_STYLE to old. (See “Return Code” on page 96.)
This command shows a general summary of all detected controllers.
Note that the device drivers for the appropriate operating system should be loaded for the list to show all controllers. The intention is to provide a global view of the environment.
Typical output of the Show command looks like the following:
//localhost> show
Ctl Model Ports Drives Units NotOpt RRate VRate BBU
c0 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 5 | - |
The output above indicates that Controller 0 is a 9590SE model with 4 Ports, with 4 Drives detected (attached), total of 1 Unit, with no units in a NotOpt (Not Optimal) state, RRate (Rebuild Rate) of 2, VRate (Verify Rate) of 5, BBU of
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