Help Commands
Help with attributes
As you work with specific objects or commands, you can also use ? to get help.
For example: If you enter the command /c0 show and then need help on what specific attribute syntax is possible, you can use ? to get help as following:
//localhost> /c0 show ?
/cx show
/cx show attribute [attribute ...] where attribute is:
achipallunitstatusautocarve(9000 series) autorebuild(9550SX only)bioscarvesize(9000series) driverdrivestatusexportjbodfirmwarememorymodel monitornumdrivesnumportsnumunitsctlbus(9550SX, 9590SE, 9650SE only)serialondegrade (9000S only)pcb pchipspinupstaggerunitstatus
/cx show all where all means attributes and configurations.
/cx show diag |
/cx show alarms [reverse] | (9000 | only) |
/cx show rebuild | ||
/cx show verify | (9000 | only) |
/cx show selftest | (9000 | only) |
//localhost> |
This help command provide a table of contents, providing help with the overall navigation of the CLI commands. Typical output looks like the following.
//localhost> help
AMCC/3ware CLI (version 2.x)
Commands Description
show | Displays information about controller(s), unit(s) and port(s). | ||
flush | Flush write cache data to units in the system. |
| |
rescan | Rescan all empty ports for new unit(s) and disk(s). |
| |
update | Update controller firmware from an image file | (Windows only) | |
commit Commit dirty DCB to storage on controller(s). | |||
/cx | Controller specific commands. |
/cx/ux | Unit specific commands. |
/cx/px | Port specific commands. | (9000 only) | |
/cx/bbu | BBU specific commands. | ||
/ex | Enclosure specific commands. | (9550SX, 9590SE, and 9650SE only) | |
/ex/slotx | Slot specific commands. |
/ex/fanx | Fan specific commands. |
/ex/tempx | Enclosure Temperature Sensor specific commands. |
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