Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages




Corrective Action











Bypass contactor stuck

SymmetraTM is stuck in the

Call your contract service


in on-line position.

on-line position, and cannot

provider, or APC Technical



go to bypass.

Support. (See inside front cover.)






UPS in bypass due to

SymmetraTM has transferred to

Call your contract service


internal fault.

bypass mode because a fault

provider, or APC Technical



has occurred.

Support. (See inside front cover.)






UPS in bypass due to

The load has exceeded the

Option #1: Decrease the load.



system power capacity. The

Option #2: If possible, add power



SymmetraTM has switched to

modules to the system.



bypass mode.







System is in

The SymmetraTM is in bypass

No corrective action necessary.


Maintenance Bypass

because the maintenance




bypass switch is in the "on"











On Battery

The SymmetraTM is in the on

No corrective action necessary.



battery mode of operation.

Note: Runtime is limited in



The battery modules are being

duration. Prepare to shutdown the




SymmetraTM and the load



equipment, or restore incoming













Need Bat Replacement

One or more battery modules

Refer to Chapter 8 for module



are in need of replacement.

replacement procedures.






UPS Fault

A fault has occurred in a

Call your contract service



power module. This will

provider, or APC Technical



always occur with a bad

Support. (See inside front cover.)



power module failure











Shutdown or unable to

SymmetraTM has shutdown

Option #1: Reduce the load to


transfer to Batt due to

because an overload has

eliminate overload.



occurred and bypass is not

Option #2: If possible, add power




modules to eliminate overload.




Option #3: Replace failed power




modules to eliminate overload.




Note: If bypass is not available




because of a power failure, wait for




power to be restored. If there is a




utility problem, have it corrected.






Load Shutdown from

SymmetraTM has shut the load

Correct the input voltage


Bypass. Input Freq/Volts

down while it was on bypass,



outside limits.

because the input power went




out of acceptable range.







Fault, Battery Charger

The battery charger in one or

Refer to Chapter 8 for module



more power module(s) failed.

replacement procedures.






Fault, Bypass Relay

The bypass relay has

Call your contract service




provider, or APC Technical




Support. (See inside front cover.)






Page 68
Image 68
American Power Conversion PX user manual Battery modules are being, Because of a power failure, wait for