American Power Conversion SYMSTRF-PD Load With Redundancy Status Screen, Battery Status Screen


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Chapter 7 - Configuring & Operating the SymmetraTM

% Load With No Redundancy Status Screen

Frequency Status Screen











Fig 7-6Percent Load With No Redundancy Status Screen

%Load Assuming No Redundancy - displays the percent of the total Power Array capacity that is required by the load. The total Power Array capacity is defined by the number of power modules installed, multiplied by 4kVA and is limited by the kVA rating of the frame. See table 7-2. After this screen has been reviewed, press the enter key. The percent load with redundancy status screen appears.

%Load With Redundancy Status Screen

Fig 7-8Frequency Status Screen

Frequencies - displays the input frequency that is being re- ceived from the utility power source, and the output frequency being delivered to the load equipment. After the frequency status screen has been reviewed, press enter. The battery sta- tus screen appears.

Battery Status Screen

Fig 7-7Percent Load With Redundancy Status Screen

%Load Allowing For Redundancy - displays the percent of the non-redundant Power Array capacity that is required by the load. The non-redundant Power Array capacity is defined by the number of user defined non-redundant power mod- ules installed, multiplied by 4kVA and is limited by the kVA rating of the frame. See table 7-1. After the load with redun- dancy status screen has been reviewed, press enter. The fre- quency status screen appears.

Note: The redundancy level for this measurement is user defined, and will be assigned in Step 6 of this procedure. Either zero, one or two power modules will be designated as “redundant.” The remaining power modules are then defined as “non-redundant.”

Table 7-1Non-Redundant Power Array Capacities

Fig 7-9Battery Status Screen

Battery Status Screen - displays battery voltage, the percent- age of available battery capacity, number of battery modules that are installed, number of battery modules that are “bad” and the predicted run time. Use this screen to check the sta- tus of the battery modules. After the battery status screen has been reviewed, press enter. The power status screen ap- pears.

Note: If a battery module is diagnosed as “bad,” see chapter 8.

Power Status Screen

Fig 7-10Sample Power Status Screen

Power Status Screen - the reported Power Array capacity is dependent upon the number of power modules installed, and the size of the frame. Use table 7-2 to confirm that the PowerView is reporting the correct information.

Table 7-2SymmetraTM Power Module/Frame Capacities


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American Power Conversion SYMSTRF-PD Load With Redundancy Status Screen, Battery Status Screen, Power Status Screen