





Program Port Commands (Cont.)








Displays the Master Card's D:P:S, Host Name, Type (DHCP or Static), IP




Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP, and MAC Address.








Displays the largest free block of Master Card memory.








MSG OFF disables the MSG ON display (see below).








MSG On sets the terminal program to display all messages generated by




the Master Card.








Turns off a channel on a device. The device can be on any system the




Master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device num-




ber, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the




DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program.








Turns on a channel on a device. The device can be on any system the




Master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device




number, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the




DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program.








Sets up a pass through mode to a device. In pass through mode, any




string received by the device is displayed on the screen, and anything




typed is sent as a string to the device. The device can be on any system




the Master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device




number, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the




DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program.




See ESC Pass Codes on page 113 for descriptions of the escape codes




available in pass mode.








Tests network connectivity to and confirms the presence of another




networked device. It operates just like the PING application in Windows or












Displays the NetLinx program's name residing in the Master.








Pulses a channel on a device on and off. The device can be on any




system the Master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the




device number, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined




in the DEFINE_DEVICE section of the program.








Reboots the Master Card or specified device.








Releases the DHCP setting for the Master Card.








Sends a command to a device. The device can be on any system the




Master you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device




number, port, and system, or the name of the device that is defined in the




DEFINE_DEVICE section of the NetLinx Program. The data of the string




is entered with NetLinx string syntax.








Sends a string to a device. The device can be on any system the Master




you are connected to can reach. You can specify the device number, port,




and system, or the name of the device defined in the DEFINE_DEVICE




section of the NetLinx Program. The data of the string is entered with




NetLinx string syntax.








Prompts you to enter the new date for the Master Card.




When the date is set on the Master Card, the new date will be reflected on




all devices in the system that have clocks (i.e. touch panels). By the same




token, if you set the date on any system device, the new date will be




reflected on the system’s Master, and all connected devices.




This will not update clocks on devices connected to another Master (in




Master-to-Master systems).








Prompts you to enter a Domain Name, DNS IP #1, DNS IP #2, and DNS




IP #3. Then, you enter Y (yes) to approve/store the information in the




Master Card. Entering N (no) cancels the operation.






NetLinx Integrated Controllers






Page 117
Image 117
AMX NI-3000 Get Ip Dps, Mem, Msg Off, MSG on, Pass, Ping, Program Info, Pulse, Reboot DPS, Release Dhcp, Sendcommand