NetLinx Security with a Terminal Connection

4.Enter any text into the Name field of the HyperTerminal Connection Description dialog window and click OK when done.

5.From the Connect Using field, click the down-arrow and select the COM port being used for communication by the target Master.

6.Click OK when done.

7.From the Bits per second field, click the down-arrow and select the baud rate being used by the target Master.

Configure the remaining communication parameters as follows: Data Bits:8, Parity:None,

Stop bits:1, and Flow control: None (default is Hardware).

Click OK to complete the communication parameters and open a new Terminal window.

8.Type echo on to view the characters while entering commands.

Accessing the Security configuration options

1.In the Terminal session, type help security to view the available security commands. Here is a listing of the security help:

---- These commands apply to the Security

Manager and Database ----





secure session

setup security



security setup menus

2.Type setup security to access the Main Security Menu, shown below:

>setup security

---These commands apply to the Security Manager and Database ----

1) Set system security options for NetLinx Master

2) Display system security options for NetLinx Master

3) Add user

4) Edit user

5) Delete user

6) Show the list of authorized users

7) Add group

8) Edit group

9) Delete group

10)Show list of authorized groups

11)Set Telnet Timeout in seconds

12)Display Telnet Timeout in seconds

13)Make changes permanent by saving to flash

Or <ENTER> to return to previous menu

Security Setup ->

3.The Main Security Menu shows a list of choices and a prompt. To select one of the listed choices, simply enter the number of the choice (1-13) at the prompt and press <ENTER>.

4.Each option in the Main Security Menu displays a sub-menu specific to that option.

The following section describes using each of the Main Security Menu options.

For a detailed description of each option in the Main Security Menu, refer to Main Security Menu on page 104.



NetLinx Integrated Controllers




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Image 100
AMX NI-4000, NI-3000 Accessing the Security configuration options, Stop bits1, and Flow control None default is Hardware