Using the Minimal Printer Software floppy disk
If you have a CD-ROM drive, skip to the next section, “Using the Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM Disc.”
If you do not have a CD-ROM drive, the Color StyleWriter 6000 Series Minimal Printer Software floppy disk that came with your printer contains minimal software that lets you start printing now. For instructions on installing the software, see the Read Me file you’ll find on the floppy disk.
It is recommended, however, that you obtain the complete set of software. Here are two ways to get the software:
mDownload the complete printer software (but not the fonts) from Apple’s Web site at http://www.apple.com.
mIf you have access to a computer with a CD-ROM drive, the Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM disc contains special files of the complete set of floppy disks. The CD-ROM disc also contains a disk-duplication application you can use to create your own set of floppy disks from those files. See the instructions that accompany the application. (You cannot simply copy the files to floppy disks; you must use the disk-duplication application to transfer the information to the floppy disks.)
Note: Any software applications or extra fonts from companies other than Apple are available only on the CD-ROM disc. In addition, if you use minimal software, you won’t be able to use features of the printer software such as watermarks, ColorSync color matching, and fonts other than those already installed with your system software or in your applications.