Using a Color StyleWriter 6500 on a LocalTalk network
If your printer is connected to a LocalTalk network, follow these instructions to select it in the Chooser and to rename it.
1Make sure the printer is turned on.
2Select Chooser from the Apple (K) menu.
3In the Chooser dialog box, click the appropriate items to select them.
Once the printer is on the network, its name appears in the Chooser just like the names of other network printers.
Second, click this icon. If necessary, use the scroll bar and arrows to find it.
Third, click the name of your printer on this list.
First, click to make
AppleTalk active.
4If you want to change the name, click Rename.
In the dialog box that appears, type a new name, and click Rename. (Note: Anyone on the network can change the name.)
Type a new name, then
click Rename (or press Return).
Printing From a Mac OS Computer | 25 |