plain paper
cleaning ink cartridges 73 recommendations for 71 special instructions 64 tips 63
platen, cleaning 73 plugging in the printer 5
portrait page orientation, in standard document (Mac OS computers) 30
connecting printer and Mac OS computer 13
connecting printer and Windows/DOS computer 17, 81
modem port 24, 26 printer port 24, 26
selecting wrong port in Chooser (Mac OS computers) 71, 77
serial ports in PowerBook 26, 77 postcards
printing 61, 64 specifications for 84
PostScript fonts
compatibility with TrueType fonts 94 description of
icons 92 specifications 84
PostScript language (Mac OS computers) 80, 91
power, disconnecting 5 PowerBook computers
internal modem serial port setting 77 printing problems 77, 78
setup information for 26 PowerBook Express Modem 26 power button 6
power consumption 86 power cord
damaged 2
plugging into printer 5 requirements 86 unplugging 2, 5, 6
power light 6, 27, 69 Power Macintosh computers
RAM requirements for x virtual memory and 23 precautions, safety
printable area (portrait orientation) 85 Print command (Mac OS
computers) 30, 33, 44 Print dialog box (Mac OS
Apple supplies and accessories
connecting to EtherTalk network (Mac OS computers) 16
connecting to LocalTalk network (Mac OS computers)
connecting to Mac OS computer
computer 17 cover 1, 7, 9 dimensions 85
doesn’t appear in list of printers (Windows computers) 81
failure (Mac OS computers)
lights on
network name (EtherTalk network) 16 placement of 4
plugging in 5 ports 13, 24, 26 preventing damage to 7 resetting 77, 78
safety precautions for
sharing (Mac OS computers)