DOS computers. See also Windows/DOS computers
cleaning ink cartridge 74 connecting the printer to 17 printing from DOS applications 54 troubleshooting 54
DOS control panel 74 downloading fonts 100 draft printing 66, 73
draft printing (Mac OS computers) 34 dragging documents to desktop printer icon (Mac OS computers) 46
electrical hazards 2 electrical specification 86 electromagnetic interference 4 encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files
(Mac OS computers) 80 envelopes
feeding improperly 70 loading
EPS (encapsulated PostScript) files (Mac OS computers) 80
error icon 45
error messages. See messages EtherTalk network (Mac OS
computers) 16, 87
extra (bold) font 97
Flip Horizontal setting (Windows computers) 54
fonts (Mac OS computers) Apple classic
downloading 99
families in suitcases
mixing 94 names of 94 PostScript
search order on computers 94 specifications for 84 storage of
stored in System Folder
supported 89 Times variations 99 TrueType
font suitcases (Mac OS computers)
computers) 37, 73 frequency specifications 86 front cover
closing 9 opening 7
Get Info command (Mac OS computers) 79 glossy paper
Apple Color
print quality 65, 71, 84 special instructions 64
graphic images, problems printing (Mac OS computers) 80
Grayscale option (Mac OS computers) 36, 79
Grayscale Printing setting (Windows computers) 53