Tip: In the countdown mode, the “+” and
2.Chart Display Options: During polling, a graph is generated showing the results of each question in your session. The graphs can be displayed by clicking the “Display” button on the
Tip: For any display option, if you designate a correct answer choice and display the graph, the bar will appear in green and the remaining bars will turn red. See the example below (the left example is the pie chart without a correct answer designated; the right example is the same chart with a correct answer of C):
To return the graph to the default multicolored mode, mouse over the graph so that the answer choices appear and select the ?, or if you are using the Instructor’s Remote function to toggle a correct answer, toggle through all options until the graph returns to multicolored.
3.Voting Results Grid: This option allows you to display (or hide) a grid of your students’ voting entries each time you ask a question. The voting results grid gives students an additional opportunity to confirm their votes were received. (Note that the “Vote Status” light on each clicker flashes green each time a vote is received by the
Tip: While this is a comfort to students, the voting results grid can be distracting from lecture if used extensively. We recommend you use this only in the beginning of the term if students need reassurance that their votes are being collected. You may also minimize the voting results grid during a polling
session by clicking on the ⌧ on the top right corner of the grid.
4.Voting Grid Display Options: There are two ways to display the voting results grid. Confirmed Vote Receipt Only allows students to see their vote was received but doesn’t indicate their choice, while Confirmed Vote Receipt and Vote Selection allows students to see both their vote receipt and last received response on the screen.
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