Packing and Shipping the Machine

Whenever you transport the machine, use the packing materials that came with the machine. If you do not pack the machine correctly, you could void your warranty.

Do not unplug the machine until a print job is finished.

1 Remove all the ink cartridges and

attach the white shipping cover.

To attach the white shipping cover

(See Replacing the Ink Cartridges,


page 143)


After attaching the white shipping


cover, press the all ink cartridge


covers down.


If you are unable to locate the white shipping cover, do not remove the ink cartridges before shipping. It is essential that either the shipping cover or the ink cartridges be in position during shipment. Otherwise, the print heads will be damaged, and such damages will not be covered by warranty.

2 Attach the protective yellow bar, and then close the scanner cover until it clicks.

3 Unplug the machine from the telephone wall jack.

4 Unplug the machine from the AC outlet.

5 Unplug the Parallel cable or USB cable from the machine.

Protective Yellow Bar

139Chapter 19