Thick line and thin line

Turn OFF ‘Bi-Directional Printing’ from the ‘Quality/Colour’ tab in

appear alternately.

the printer driver.



There are some dense lines.

Turn ON ‘Reverse Order’ from the ‘Paper’ tab in the printer driver.



When using ATM fonts,

If you are using Windows® 95/98, select ‘Printer Settings’ from the

some characters are missing

‘Start’ menu. Open ‘Brother MFC-5100C’ properties. Click ‘Spool

or some are printed in the

Setting’ on the ‘Details’ tab. Select ‘RAW’ from ‘Spool Data

same place.




Printing is slow.

In the Quality/Colour tab of the Print dialog box, select Auto in the


Document section.



Colour enhance is not

If the image data is not full colour (such as 256 colour) in your

working correctly.

application, Colour enhance does not function. Please use at least 24


bit colour data with the Colour enhance feature.



“Unable to write to LPT1” or

1. Make sure the machine is on (plugged into the AC outlet) and

“LPT1 already in use” Error

that it is connected directly to the computer using the IEEE-

Message appears.

1284 bi-directional parallel cable. The cable must not go


through another peripheral device (such as a Zip Drive,

“MFC is Busy” or “MFC

External CD-ROM Drive, or Switch box).

Connect Failure” Error

2. Make sure the machine is not displaying an error message on

Message appears.

the LCD Display.



3. Make sure no other device drivers, which also communicate


through the parallel port, are running automatically when you


boot up the computer (such as, drivers for Zip Drivers, External


CD-ROM Drive, etc.)


Suggested areas to check: (Load=, Run=command lines in the


winanl file or the Startup Group).


4. Check with you computer manufacturer to confirm that the


computer’s parallel port settings in the BIOS are set to support


a bi-directional machine, i.e., Parallel Port Mode-ECP.



135Chapter 19