Proceed with test as follows:
a.Thermocouple Pilot System
Using a 3/8” wrench loosen the thermocouple lead at the gas valve. Main gas and pilot gas must shut off. If not, replace gas valve.
b.EI Pilot System
Carefully remove ignitor sensor wire from ignition module Main gas and pilot gas must shut off immediately. If not, replace the module.
c.EO, EOP, EE and EEP Pilot Systems
Carefully remove the flame rod wire from terminal “F” on the RA890F protectorelay. Main gas and pilot gas must shut off. If not, replace the RA890F.
a.The mineral wool combustion chamber panels contain a cornstarch based binder that must be burned out at installation to prevent odors during subsequent boiler operation.
b.Ventilate the boiler room, set the high limit to its maximum setting, set the thermostat to call for heat. Allow the boiler to fire for at least an hour or until the odor from the cornstarch has dissipated.
c.Return the high limit and thermostat to their desired settings.
Avoid operating this boiler in an environment where saw dust, loose insulation fibers, dry wall dust, etc. are present. If boiler is operated under these conditions, the burner interior and ports must be cleaned and inspected daily to insure proper operation.