All Z series units with ComtfortLink™ controls have a port
for interface with the Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN) sys-
tem. On TB3 there is a J11 jack which can be used for tempo-
rary connection to the CCN network or to computers equipped
with CCN software like the Service Tool. Also on TB3 there
are screw connections that can be used for more permanent
CCN connections.
In the following tables the structure of the tables which are
used with the Service Tool as well as the names and data that are
included in each table are shown. There are several CCN vari-
ables that are not displayed through the scrolling marquee and
are used for more extensive diagnostics and system evaluations.
HVAC Mode…………..: ascii text strings
Control Mode………..: ascii text strings
Current Running Capacity % CAPTOTAL
Curr.Calc. Cool Capacity % COOLCALC
Current Cool Stage COOL_STG
Requested Cool Stage CL_STAGE
Maximum Cool Stages CLMAXSTG
Cooling Control Point dF COOLCPNT
Evaporator Discharge Tmp dF EDT
Mixed Air Temperature dF MAT
Next capacity step down % CAPNXTDN
Next capacity step up % CAPNXTUP
Current Cool Stage COOL_STG
Current Cool Stage A CLSTAGEA
Cir A Discharge Pressure PSIG DP_A
Cir A Suction Pressure PSIG SP_A
Cir A Sat.Condensing Tmp dF SCTA
Cir A Sat.Suction Temp. dF SSTA
Compressor A1 Relay CMPA1
Unloader 1 - Comp A1 UNL_1_A1
Unloader 2 - Comp A1 UNL_2_A1
Compressor A2 Relay CMPA2
Compressor A1 Feedback CSB_A1
Compressor A2 Feedback CSB_A2
Circ A High Press.Switch CIRCAHPS
Circuit A Stage Inhibit CIRAFAIL
Current Cool Stage COOL_STG
Current Cool Stage B CLSTAGEB
Cir B Discharge Pressure PSIG DP_B
Cir B Suction Pressure PSIG SP_B
Cir B Sat.Condensing Tmp dF SCTB
Cir B Sat.Suction Temp. dF SSTB
Compressor B1 Relay CMPB1
Unloader 1 - Comp B1 UNL_1_B1
Unloader 2 - Comp B1 UNL_2_B1
Compressor B2 Relay CMPB2
Compressor B1 Feedback CSB_B1
Compressor B2 Feedback CSB_B2
Circ B High Press.Switch CIRCBHPS
Circuit B Stage Inhibit CIRBFAIL
Economizer Active ? Yes/No ECACTIVE
Conditions which prevent
economizer being active:
Econ Act. Unavailable? Yes/No ECONUNAV
Econ2 Act. Unavailable Yes/No ECN2UNAV
Enth.Switch Read High ? Yes/No ENTH
DBC - OAT lockout? Yes/No DBC_STAT
DEW - OA Dewpt. lockout? Yes/No DEW_STAT
DDBC- OAT > RAT lockout? Yes/No DDBCSTAT
OAEC- OA Enth Lockout? Yes/No OAECSTAT
DEC - Diff.Enth.Lockout? Yes/No DEC_STAT
EDT Sensor Bad ? Yes/No EDT_STAT
OAT Sensor Bad ? Yes/No OAT_STAT
Economizer forced ? Yes/No ECONFORC
Supply Fan not on 30s ? Yes/No SFONSTAT
Cool Mode not in effect? Yes/No COOL_OFF
OAQ lockout in effect ? Yes/No OAQLOCKD
Econ recovery hold off? Yes/No ECONHELD
Dehumid. Disabled Econ.? Yes/No DHDISABL