OAQ Low Reference (Configuration
OQ.R.L) — This is the reference that will be used with a
non-Carrier OAQ sensor that may have a different characteris-
tic curve. It represents the CO2 level at 4 mA.
OAQ High Reference (Configuration
OQ.R.H) — This is the reference that will be used with a non-
Carrier OAQ sensor that may have a different characteristic
curve. It represents the CO2 level at 4 mA.
Diff. IAQ Responsiveness (Configuration
IAQ.R) — This is the configuration that is used to select the
IAQ response curves as shown in Fig. 12.
PRE-OCCUPANCY PURGE — The control has the option
for a pre-occupancy purge to refresh the air in the space prior to
This feature is enabled by setting Configuration
IQ.PG to Yes.
The IAQ Purge will operate under the following conditions:
•IQ.PG is enabled
• the unit is in the unoccupied state
• Current Time is valid
• Next Occupied Time is valid
• time is within two hours of the next occupied period
• time is within the purge duration (Configuration
If all of the above conditions are met, the following logic is
If OAT >= IQ.L.O and OAT <= OCSP and economizer is
available then purge will be enabled and the economizer
will be commanded to 100%.
Else, if OAT < IQ.L.O then the economizer will be posi-
tioned to the IAQ Purge LO Temp Min Pos (Configuration
If neither of the above are true then the dampers will be
positioned to the IAQ Purge HI Temp Min Pos (Configuration
If this mode is enabled the indoor fan and heat interlock
relay (VAV) will be energized.
IAQ Purge (Configuration
IQ.PG) — This
is used to enable IAQ pre-occupancy purge.
IAQ Purge Duration (Configuration
IQ.P.T) — This is the maximum amount of time that a purge
can occur.
IAQ Purge Lo Temp Min Pos (Configuration
IQ.P.L) — This is used to configure a low limit for
damper position to be used during the purge mode.
IAQ Purge Hi Temp Min Pos (Configuration
IQ.P.H) — This is used to configure a maximum po-
sition for the dampers to be used during the purge cycle.
IAQ Purge OAT Lockout Temp (Configuration
IQ.L.O) — Nighttime lockout temperature below
which the purge cycle will be disabled.
controls are capable of working with a factory-installed option-
al airflow station that measures the amount of outdoor air enter-
ing the economizer. This flow station is intended to measure
ventilation airflows and has a limitation as to the maximum
flow rate it can measure. The limits are 18,000 cfm for sizes
030-050 and 31,000 cfm for sizes 055-105.
All configurations for the outdoor airflow station can be
found in the Configuration
CFM.C, sub-menu.
For this algorithm to function, the Outdoor Air Cfm Sensor
Configuration (OCF.S.) must be enabled.
There are three set point configurations:
O.C.MN — Econ OACFM DCV Min Flow
O.C.MX — Econ OACFM DCV Max Flow
O.C.DB — Econ OACFM MinPos Deadbd
When the outdoor air cfm sensor is enabled, the Economizer
Min.Position (Configuration
EC.MN) and
the IAQ Demand Vent Min.Pos (Configuration
IAQ.M) will no longer be used. During vent periods,
the control will modulate the damper to maintain the outdoor
air intake quantity between O.C.MX and O.C.MN. The indoor
air quality algorithm will vary the cfm between these two
values depending on Configuration
and the Configuration
DAQ.H set points
and upon the relationship between the IAQ and the outdoor air
quality (OAQ).
The economizer’s OA CFM Minimum Position Deadband
(O.C.DB) is the deadband range around the outdoor cfm
control point at where the damper control will stop, indicating
the control point has been reached. See the Economizer section
for more information.
Humidification — The Z Series ComfortLink controls
can control a field-supplied and installed humidifier device.
The ComfortLink controls provide two types of humidification
control: A discrete stage control (via a relay contact) and a pro-
portional control type (communicating to a LEN actuator). The
discrete stage control is used to control a single-stage humidifi-
er, (typically a spray pump). The proportional control type is
typically used to control a proportional steam valve serving a
steam grid humidifier.
The ComfortLink controls must be equipped with a controls
expansion module and an accessory space or return air relative
humidity sensor.
If a humidifier using a proportional steam valve is selected,
the Carrier LEN actuator (Carrier Part No. HF23BJ049) must
be adapted to the humidifier manufacturer’s steam valve. Con-
tact Belimo Aircontrols for information on actuator linkage
adapter packages required to mount the LEN actuator on the
specific brand and type of steam valve mounted by the humidi-
fier manufacturer.
The LEN actuator address must be programmed into the
ComfortLink unit’s humidifier actuator serial number variables.
NOTE: If the unit has the IGV option installed, it will be nec-
essary to fabricate a LEN harness extension to connect the
humidifier LEN actuator to the unit’s LEN harness.
SETTING UP THE SYSTEM — These humidity configura-
tion are located in the local displays under Configuration
HUMD. See Table 60. Related points are shown in Table 61.
Humidifier Control Configuration (HM.CF) — The humidi-
fier control can be set to the following configurations:
•HM.CF = 0 — No humidity control.
•HM.CF = 1 — Discrete control based on space relative
•HM.CF = 2 — Discrete control based on return air rela-
tive humidity.
•HM.CF = 3 — Analog control based on space relative
•HM.CF = 4 — Analog control based on return air rela-
tive humidity.
Humidity Control Set Point (HM.SP) — The humidity con-
trol set point has a range of 0 to 100%.
Humidifier PID Run Rate (HM.TM) — This is the PID run
time rate.
Humidifier Proportional Gain (HM.P) — This configuration
is the PID Proportional Gain.
Humidifier Integral Gain (HM.I) — This configuration is the
PID Integral Gain.
Humidifier Derivative Gain (HM.D) — This configuration is
the PID Derivative Gain.