BF.CF=2 (Modulating Power
Exhaust with Two LEN Actuators Option) — For modulat-
ing exhaust, the Configuration
BP submenu, configure the
Under Configuration
B.V.A the following configu-
rations may be adjusted:
BP.FS VFD/Act. Fire Speed/Pos.
BP.MN VFD/Act. Min. Speed/Pos.
BP.1M BP 1 Actuator Max Pos.
BP.2M BP 2 Actuator Max Pos.
BP.CF=3 (VFD Power Exhaust
Option) — Under Configuration
BP the following configu-
rations may be adjusted:
Under Configuration
B.V.A the following configu-
rations may be adjusted:
BP.FS VFD/Act. Fire Speed/Pos.
BP.MN VFD/Act. Min. Speed/Pos.
BP.MX VFD Maximum Speed
BP.CF=4 (High-Capacity VFD
Power Exhaust) — Under Configuration
BP the following
configurations may be adjusted:
Under Configuration
B.V.A the following configu-
rations may be adjusted:
BP.FS VFD/Act. Fire Speed/Pos.
BP.MN VFD/Act. Min. Speed/Pos.
BP.MX VFD Maximum Speed
BP.CL BP Hi Cap VFD Clamp Val.
BP.WT BP Hi Cap VFD Clamp Time
BP.CF=5 (Return/Exhaust — Fan
Tracking Control) — Under Configuration
BP the follow-
ing configurations may be adjusted:
BP.SP Building Pressure Setpt. (see note below)
Under Configuration
B.V.A the following configu-
rations may be adjusted:
BP.FS VFD/Act. Fire Speed/Pos.
BP.MN VFD/Act. Min. Speed/Pos.
BP.MX VFD Maximum Speed
Under Configuration
FAN.T the following config-
urations may be adjusted:
FT.CF Fan Track Learn Enable (see note below)
FT.TM Fan Track Learn Rate (see note below, not
used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
FT.ST Fan Track Initial DCFM
FT.MX Fan Track Max Clamp (see note below, not
used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
FT.AD Fan Track Max Correction (see note below,
not used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
FT.OF Fan Track Internl EEPROM (see note below,
not used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
FT.RM Fan Track Internal Ram (see note below, not
used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
FT.RS Fan Track Reset Internal (see note below, not
used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
SCF.C Supply Air CFM Config (see note below, not
used when Fan Track Learning is disabled)
NOTE: These configurations are used only if Fan Tracking
learning is enabled. When fan tracking learning is enabled,
the control will add an offset to the Fan Track Initial DCFM
FT.ST) if the building pres-
sure deviates from the Building Pressure Set Point (BP.SP).
Periodically, at the rate set by the Fan Track Learn Rate
(FT.TM) the delta cfm is adjusted upward or downward with a
maximum adjustment at a given instance to be no greater than
Fan Track Max correction (FT.AD). The delta cfm can not
ever be adjusted greater than or less than the Fan Track Max
Clamp (FT.MX).
Set Clock on VFD (If Installed) — The clock set
mode is used for setting the date and time for the internal clock
of the VFD. In order to use the timer functions of the VFD
control, the internal clock must be set. The date is used to deter-
mine weekdays and is visible in the fault logs. Refer to the
VFD section in Appendix D on page 160 for information on
operating the VFD and using the keypad.
To set the clock, perform the following procedure from the
VFD keypad:
1. Select MENU (SOFT KEY 2). The Main menu will be
2. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight CLOCK SET on
the display screen and press ENTER (SOFT KEY 2). The
clock set parameter list will be displayed.
3. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight CLOCK VISI-
BILITY and press SEL (SOFT KEY 2). This parameter
is used to display or hide the clock on the screen. Use the
UP or DOWN keys to change the parameter setting. Press
OK (SOFT KEY 2) to save the configuration and return
to the Clock Set menu.
4. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight SET TIME and
press SEL (SOFT KEY 2). Use the UP or DOWN keys to
change the hours and minutes. Press OK (SOFT KEY 2)
to save the configuration and return to the Clock Set
5. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight TIME FORMAT
and press SEL (SOFT KEY 2). Use the UP or DOWN
keys to change the parameter setting. Press OK (SOFT
KEY 2) to save the configuration and return to the Clock
Set menu.
6. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight SET DATE and
press SEL (SOFT KEY 2). Use the UP or DOWN keys to
change the day, month, and year. Press OK (SOFT KEY
2) to save the configuration and return to the Clock Set
7. Use the UP or DOWN keys to highlight DATE FOR-
MAT and press SEL (SOFT KEY 2). Use the UP or
DOWN keys to change the parameter setting. Press OK
(SOFT KEY 2) to save the configuration and return to the
Clock Set menu.
8. Press EXIT (SOFT KEY 1) twice to return to the main
BP.SP Building Pressure Set point
BP.SO BP Set point Offset
BP.SP Building Pressure Set point
BP.SO BP Set point Offset
BP.SP Building Pressure Set point
BP.SO BP Set point Offset