Chapter 7 Print Control Codes
(39)Print and feed paper n lines (ESC d n)
Code: [1B] h + [64] h + n
* (0 ≤ n ≤ FF) Data are expressed in Hex code.
This command prints the data in the print buffer and feeds the paper n lines.
•The set amount does not remain.
•The next printing start position is the head of the line.
•If the paper feed amount exceeds 40 inches, paper feeding of 40 inches only is executed.
(40)Full cut (ESC l)
Code: [1B] h + [69] h
Executes a full cut of the receipt paper.
•This command is valid only if it is input at the head of a line.
(41)Partial cut (ESC m)
Code: [1B] h + [6D] h
Executes a partial cut (one point is left) of the receipt paper.
•This command is valid only if it is input at the head of a line.
(42)Generates a specification pulse (ESC p m n1 n2)
Code: [1B] h + [70] h + m + n1 + n2
*(0 ≤ n1 ≤ FF)
(0 ≤ n2 ≤ FF) Data are expressed in Hex code.
This command outputs the signals specified in n1 and n2 to connector pin m.
•The m bit (m0) is as follows.
m0 = 0: Drawer kick No. 2 pin
m0 = 1: Drawer kick No. 5 pin
•On time is n1 x 2 ms and Off time is n2 x 2 ms.
•If n2 is smaller than n1, Off time is made n1 x 2 ms.