Extensible Authentication Protocol. An optional IEEE 802.1x security feature ideal for organizations with a large user base and access to an
The most widely used wired local area network. Ethernet uses carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) to allow computers to share a network and operates at 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps, depending on the physical layer used.
file server | A repository for files so that a local area network can share files, mail, and |
| programs. |
firmware | Software that is programmed on a memory chip. |
gateway | A device that connects two otherwise incompatible networks together. |
GHz | Gigahertz. One billion cycles per second. A unit of measure for frequency. |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. A professional society serving |
| electrical engineers through its publications, conferences, and standards |
| development activities. The body responsible for the Ethernet 802.3 and wireless |
| LAN 802.11 specifications. |
infrastructure | The wired Ethernet network. |
IP Address | The Internet Protocol (IP) address of a station. |
IP subnet mask | The number used to identify the IP subnetwork, indicating whether the IP |
| address can be recognized on the LAN or if it must be reached through a |
| gateway. This number is expressed in a form similar to an IP address; for |
| example: |
isotropic | An antenna that radiates its signal in a spherical pattern. |
Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Hardware Installation Guide
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