
Rcvd: 25762 packets, 1052214 bytes

0 format errors, 891 checksum errors, 0 overrun Sent: 8891 packets, 222264 bytes, 0 dropped

Configuring a T1 or E1 Feature Card

This section shows how to configure a T1 or E1 feature card. On a Cisco AS5350XM or Cisco AS5400XM universal gateway, you can allocate the available channels for channelized T1 and E1 in the following ways:

You can configure all channels to support ISDN PRI.

If you are not running ISDN PRI, you can configure all channels to support robbed-bit signaling (also known as channel-associated signaling).

You can configure all channels in a single channel group.

You can configure mix and match channels supporting ISDN PRI, channel grouping, and channel-associated signaling (CAS).

You can configure mix and match channels supporting ISDN PRI, channel grouping, and robbed-bit signaling across the same T1 line. For example, on the same channelized T1 you can use the pri-group timeslots 1-10,24command, channel-group 11 timeslots 11-16command, and ds0-group 17 timeslots 17-23 type e&m-fgbcommand. This is an unusual configuration because it requires you to align the correct range of time slots on both ends of the connection.

Note For configuration information about leased-line or nondial use, see the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide, available online. You can access this document at Technical Support & Documentation > Product Support > Cisco IOS Software > Cisco IOS Software Release you are using > Configuration Guides.

Note The T1 and E1 controller numbering convention is slot/port in CLI commands. Feature card slot numbering starts from the motherboard and works up from left to right. Slot 0 is reserved for the motherboard. The CT1/E1 feature card slots are numbered sequentially from 1 to 7. Port numbering is from 0 to 7.

Step 1 Use the enable command and password to enter privileged EXEC mode. You are in privileged EXEC mode when the prompt changes to Gateway#.

Gateway> enable

Password: password


Step 2 Enter global configuration mode. You are in global configuration mode when the prompt changes to Gateway(config)#.

Gateway# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.


Step 3 Enter controller configuration mode to configure your controller slot and port. Slot values range from 1 to 7. Port values range from 0 to 7 for T1 and E1.

Gateway(config)# controller [t1 e1] slot/port


Step 4 Enter the telco framing type.

For the CT1 controller, enter either esf or sf:

Gateway(config-controller)# framing esf

For the CE1 controller, enter crc4:

Gateway(config-controller)# framing crc4


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Cisco Systems AS5400XM quick start Configuring a T1 or E1 Feature Card