User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.3
Chapter 13 Managing Reports
Formatting Reports in Interactive Viewer
Step 7 In Negative Numbers, select an option for displaying negative numbers, by using either a minus sign
before the number or parentheses around the number.
Step 8 Click Apply.

Formatting Fixed or Scientific Numbers or Percentages

Step 1 Select a column that contains numeric data, then click Format.
The Number column dialog box appears.
Step 2 In Format Number as field, select Fixed, Scientific, or Percent.
Step 3 In Decimal Places field, select the number of decimal places to display.
Step 4 Select Use 1000s Separator if you want to use a thousands separator such as a space, a comma (,), or a
period (.).
Step 5 In Negative Numbers, select an option for displaying negative numbers: use a minus sign before the
number, or use parentheses around the number.
Step 6 Click Apply.

Formatting Custom Numeric Data

To define a custom format, you use special symbols to construct a format pattern. A format pattern shows
where to place currency symbols, thousands separators, decimal points or commas. Table 13-7 shows
examples of custom format patterns and their effects on numeric data
Step 1 Select a numeric data column, then click Format.
The Number column format appears.
Step 2 In the Format Number as field, select Custom from the drop-down list.
A second field, Format Code, appears.
Table 13-7 Results of Custom Number Format Patterns
Format pattern Data in the data set Result of formatting
0000.00 12.5
#.000 100
$#,### 2000.00
ID # 15 ID 15