Chapter 13 Managing Reports

Organizing Report Data

Step 7 For the second argument, type the number of days to add. In this case, type 7.

Step 8 Validate the expression, then click Apply.

The new calculated column appears in the report. For every value in the Order Date column, the calculated column displays a date seven days later than the order date.

Subtracting Date Values in a Calculated Column

You can display the difference between two date values.

Step 1 Select a column.

In the report, the calculated column will appear to the right of the column you select.

Step 2 Select Add Calculation.

The Calculation dialog box appears.

Step 3 In Column Label, type a name for the calculated column.

For example, to subtract the actual shipping date from the date requested, type Shipping Delay.

Step 4 In Enter Expression, type the letter d.

A drop-down list appears, displaying functions that begin with d.

Step 5 Select DIFF_DAY(date1, date2).

Step 6 For the first argument, type a left opening bracket ( [ ) and select the first date column from the drop-down list.

For example, select Date Requested.

Step 7 For the second argument, type a left opening bracket ( [ ) and select the second date column from the drop-down list.

For example, select Actual Shipping Date.

Step 8 Validate the expression, then click Apply.

The new calculated column appears in the report, displaying the difference between the two dates.

Working with Aggregate Data

Aggregating data involves performing a calculation over a set of data rows. For example, in a report that has a column to calculate price*quantity, you can take the sum of all those calculations to obtain the total price of all items. You can create up to three aggregations for a calculated column.

When you aggregate data, you choose whether the aggregation appears in the table header or footer. If the column is a detail column in a data group, you can display the aggregate value in the group header or footer. Figure 13-39shows aggregate data in a group footer.


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Cisco Systems OL-24201-01 manual Working with Aggregate Data, Subtracting Date Values in a Calculated Column, 13-62