User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.3
Chapter 13 Managing Reports
Organizing Report Data
Figure 13-39 Aggregate Row for a Group
Table 13-13 shows the aggregate functions that you can use.
Table 13-13 Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions Description
Average Calculates the average value of a set of data values.
Count Counts the data rows in the column.
Count Value Counts distinct values in the column.
First Returns the first value in the column.
Last Returns the last value in the column.
Max Returns the highest value in the column.
Median Returns the median value in the column.
Min Returns the lowest value in the column.
Mode Returns the most frequently-occurring value in the
Quartile Returns one of four equal-sized sets of data, based on the
rank you select.
For example, you can request the first quartile to get the
top quarter of the data set or the fourth quartile to get the
fourth quarter of the data set.
Standard Deviation Returns the standard deviation, the square root of the
Sum Adds the values in the column.
Variance Returns a value that indicates the spread around a mean
or expected value.
Weighted average Returns the weighted average of a numeric field over a
set of data rows. In a weighted average, some numbers
carry more importance, or weight, than others.