Appendices ~ Appendix E: Serial Commands | 119 |
RAMP – Ramp Gain Adjustment
This command starts/stops the gain ramp for an input, output, or assignable processing block. There is no query for this command.
Command form: DEVICE RAMP <Channel><Group><Rate>[Target]
Argument details
Name | Description | Unit |
Device |
| |
RAMP | Command |
Channel | See Groups and Channels, page 93 |
Group | I, O, M, L, P, T, R (1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 17) |
Rate | dB/s | |
| If value = 0. the ramp will stop |
| If value < 0, the gain will ramp down |
| If value > 0, the gain will ramp up |
Target | dB | |
| If null in text, the ramp will use the |
| channel’s maximum and minimum for a target |
Example: #47 RAMP 5 L 6 12 On PSR1212 unit 7 (#47), the gain (RAMP)
on Line Input 5 will increase at a rate of 6dB/sec until the 12dB point is
REFSEL - PA/AEC Reference Select
This command selects/reports which output is used for each mic as a reference for power amp adaptation mode and acoustic echo cancellation where applicable. There can be only one selection per mixer.
Command form: DEVICE REFSEL <Channel> [Ref. Group] [Ref. Channel]
Argument details
Name | Description |
Device | |
REFSEL | Command |
Channel | |
Ref. Group | 0 = Output, E = Expansion bus |
Ref. Channel |
Example: #40 REFSEL 1 O 8 On PSR1212 unit 7 (#40), the PA/AEC reference
REFSEL for mic channel 1 is output (O) 12.