Glossary | 133 |
•Preset The preset password is created in the Unit Properties window and makes it possible to lock certain presets. A locked preset can be executed without the password. However, a password must be entered to edit the preset.
•Site file (File Access) The site file password is set in the Site Properties window and will lock the site file. Users must enter the password in order to open the site file.
Phantom Power Power supplied by the PSR1212 to power most condenser microphones. The PSR1212 provides 24 volts of phantom power. This feature can be switched off for devices not requiring phantom power.
Phase Plot A plot of phase angle
Pink Noise An audio test signal containing all the frequencies in a given audio spectrum, with equal energy in each octave.
Preset One of 32 configurable memories in the PSR1212. A preset can be programmed with a variety of routing, level, gating, delay, filter, and equalizer settings to meet specific application requirements.
Preset Mask Defines whether a contact closure activates on a low or high signal on the rear panel of the unit.
Preset Mode Preset mode is used to create presets and is accessed from the
Processing blocks There are four processing blocks or channels
Q Quality factor. It is the ratio of the center frequency divided by the bandwidth. Q reflects an inverse relationship to the bandwidth, and adjusts from .02:1 to 40:1 on the PSR1212.
Ratio The amount of compression applied to the output signal compared with the input signal as the signal exceeds the threshold level.
Release time Release is a parameter which determines how quickly compression is released after the input signal drops below the threshold.
Reverberation A diffused acoustic energy field fed and maintained by sound reflections from the room surfaces.