Click Change Plan Settings just below any of the power plans to change settings such as:
•Require a password on wakeup.
•Choose what power buttons do.
•Create a power plan (you can choose the settings you want and create a custom power plan here).
•Choose when to turn off the display
•Change when the computer sleeps.
Advanced Tab
The Advanced tab allows you to set many different settings beyond the basic ones above. If you do not know or are not sure what to set, then leave settings at the default. To access the advanced settings:
1Choose the Power Plan you want to change.
2Click Change Plan Settings from just below the plan name.
3Click Change Advanced Power Settings.
CAUTION: There are many different settings in the Power Options, Advanced Settings dialog box. Use care when making setting changes.
Click Start and then click Help and Support to explore the capabilities of the advanced settings.
Enabling SpeedStep™ Technology
SpeedStep technology controls your computer's processor performance automatically, dynamically adjusting the operating frequency and voltage, according to the task at hand. When an application does not require full performance, significant amounts of power can be saved. Performance is designed to still be responsive, with maximum processor performance being delivered when required, and automatic power savings when possible.
Windows Vista automatically sets Intel Speedstep technologies in the
Dell Recommended, Balanced, and Power Saver power plans. It is disabled in the High Performance power plan.