Error Messages
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
If the message is not listed, see the documentation for the operating system or the program that was running when the message appeared.
AF I L E N A M E C A N N O T C O N T A I N A N Y O F T H E F O L L O W I N G C H A R A C T E R S : \ / : * ? “
<> — Do not use these characters in filenames.
AR E Q U I R E D . DLL F I L E W A S N O T F O U N D — The program that you are trying to open is missing an essential file. To remove and then reinstall the program:
Windows XP:
1 Click Start→ Control Panel→ Add or Remove Programs→ Programs and Features.
2 Select the program you want to remove.
3 Click Uninstall.
4 See the program documentation for installation instructions.
Windows Vista:
1 Click Start → Control Panel→ Programs→Programs and Features.
2 Select the program you want to remove.
3 Click Uninstall.
4 See the program documentation for installation instructions.
drive letter :\ I S N O T A C C E S S I B L E . T H E D E V I C E I S N O T R E A D Y — The drive cannot read the disk. Insert a disk into the drive and try again.
I N S E R T B O O T A B L E M E D I A — Insert a bootable floppy disk or CD.
N O N - S YS T E M D I S K E R R O R — Remove the floppy disk from the drive and restart your computer.