Dell Diagnostics: Dell Latitude LS Portable Computers User's Guide
4.In the system setup program, go to the Boot screen and set the following boot sequence:
1.Removable Devices
3.Hard Disk
4.Boot to LAN
5.Save the changes and exit the system setup program.
6.Insert the Dell System Software CD into the
7.Turn the computer off.
8.Turn the computer on. The computer restarts and automatically begins to run the Dell Diagnostics.
9.When you have completed running diagnostics, remove the Dell System Software CD from the
To return to the boot sequence you use for normal operation, repeat steps 1 through 5, customizing the boot sequence to fit your needs. Then restart your computer.
When you start the diagnostics, the Dell logo screen appears, followed by a message telling you that the diagnostics is loading.
After the diagnostics loads, the Diagnostics Menu appears (see Figure 1). The menu allows you to run all or specific diagnostic tests or to exit to the
For a quick check of your computer, select Quickly Test All Devices. This option runs only the subtests that do not require user interaction and that do not take a long time to run. Dell recommends that you choose this option first to increase the odds of tracing the source of the problem quickly. For a thorough check of your computer, select Fully Test All Devices. To check a particular area of your computer, select Select Devices to Test.
To select an option from this menu, highlight the option and press <Enter>, or press the key that corresponds to the highlighted letter in the option you choose.
Figure 1. Diagnostics Menu
Dell Diagnostics Main Screen Overview
When you select Select Devices to Test from the Diagnostics Menu, the main screen of the diagnostics appears (see Figure 2). The main screen lists the diagnostic test device groups, lists the devices of the selected device group, and allows you to select categories from a menu. From this screen, you can enter two other types of screens.
Information on the main screen of the diagnostics is presented in the following five areas:
●Two lines at the top of the screen identify the version number of the Dell Diagnostics.
●On the left side of the screen, the Device Groups area lists the diagnostic test groups in the order they will run if you select All from the Run tests menu. Press the up- or
●On the right side of the screen, the Devices for Highlighted Group area lists the computer's currently detected hardware and some of the relevant settings.
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