56 Jackrabbit (BL1800)
4.5 Upgrading Dynamic C
4.5.1 Patches and Bug Fixes
Dynamic C patches that focus on bug fixes are available from time to time. Check the Web
site www.rabbit.com/support/ for the latest patches, workarounds, and bug fixes.
The default installation of a patch or bug fix is to install the file in a directory (folder) dif-
ferent from that of the original Dynamic C installation. Rabbit recommends using a differ-
ent directory so that you can verify the operation of the patch without overwriting the
existing Dynamic C installation. If you have made any changes to the BIOS or to libraries,
or if you have programs in the old directory (folder), make these same changes to the
BIOS or libraries in the new directory containing the patch. Do not simply copy over an
entire file since you may overwrite a bug fix; of course, you may copy over any programs
you have written. Once you are sure the new patch works entirely to your satisfaction, you
may retire the existing installation, but keep it available to handle legacy applications.
4.5.2 Add-On Modules
Dynamic C installations are designed for use with the board they are included with, and
are included at no charge as part of our low-cost kits. Rabbit offers add-on Dynamic C
modules for purchase, including the popular ยตC/OS-II real-time operating system, as well
as PPP, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and other select libraries.
In addition to the Web-based technical support included at no extra charge, a one-year
telephone-based technical support module is also available for purchase.