Electro Industries/GaugeTech
Doc # E107706 V1.259-8
QThe Modbus Map for the Analog Output Module (and operating details) can be found in the Modbus
Communicating I/O Modules Manual.
9.5.2: Normal Mode
QNormal Mode is the same for the 0-1mA and the 4-20mA Analog Output Modules except for the
number of processes performed by the modules.
Both devices:
1. Accept new values through communication.
2. Output current loops scaled from previously accepted values.
The 0-1mA module includes one more process in its Normal Mode:
3. Read and average the A/D and adjust values for Process 2 above.
QThe device will operate with the following default parameters:
Address 247 (F7H)
Baud Rate 57600 Baud
Transmit Delay Time 0
QNormal Operation is prevented by a number of occurrences. See section 9.4.1 for details.