7.2.1: Loss Compensation in Three Element Installations
Loss compensation is based on the loss and impedance values provided on the transformer manufacturer’s test report. A typical test report will include at least the following information:
•Unit Serial Number
•Transformer MVA Rating
•Test Voltage
•No Load Loss Watts
•Load Loss Watts (or Full Load Loss Watts)
•% Exciting Current @ 100% voltage
•% Impedance
The transformer MVA rating is generally the lowest MVA rating (the
Correct calculation of loss compensation also requires knowledge of the meter installation. In order to calculate the loss compensation settings you will need the following information regarding the meter and the installation:
•Number of meter elements
•Potential Transformer Ratio (PTR)
•Current Transformer Ratio (CTR)
•Meter Base Voltage
•Meter Base Current
This section is limited to application of Nexus meters to
•Number of metering elements = 3
•Meter Base Voltage = 120 Volts
•Meter Base Current = 5 amps
The loss compensation values can be calculated by clicking the TLC Calculator button on the Transformer Loss screen of the Nexus Device Profile (MS Excel Spreadsheet) or by completing the worksheet “Three Element Loss Compensation Worksheet” below. In order to activate the Excel Spreadsheet, you must have MS Excel installed on your computer.
NOTE: A copy of the Excel Spreadsheet with Example Numbers can be found in Appendix A of this manual.
Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc # E107706 V1.25 |