Nexus 1250/1252 Revenue Metering:
•Autocalibrates when there is a temperature change of more than 10 degrees centigrade.
•Exceeds all ANSI
•Adjusts for transformer and line losses, using
•Automatically logs
•Counts pulses and aggregates different loads.
Nexus 1250/1252 Power Quality Monitoring:
•Records up to 512 samples per cycle on an event.
•Measures and records Harmonics to the 83rd order.
•Offers inputs for
•Synchronizes with
Nexus 1250/1252 Memory, Communication and Control:
•Up to 4 Meg NVRAM.
•4 High Speed Communication Ports.
•Multiple Protocols (see section below on DNP V3.00).
•90msec High Speed Updates for Control.
2.2: DNP V3.00 Level 1 and Level 2
Nexus 1250 supports DNP V3.00 Level 1.
Nexus 1252 supports DNP V3.00 Level 2.
DNP Level 2 Features:
•Up to 136 measurement (64 Binary Inputs, 8 Binary Counters, 64 Analog Inputs) can be mapped to DNP Static Points (over 3000) in the customizable DNP Point Map.
•Up to 16 Relays and 8 Resets can be controlled through DNP Level 2.
•Freeze Commands: Freeze,
•Freeze with Time Commands enable the Nexus meter to have internal
For complete details, download the appropriate DNP User Manual from our website www.electroind.com.
2.3: Flicker
Nexus 1252 provides Flicker Evaluation in Instantaneous, Short Term and Long Term Forms. For a detailed explanation of Flicker, see Chapter 12 of this manual.
e Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc # E107706 V1.25 |